No Moss 3 Landfill Online Library Russell County Audit and Budget Information FY 2021 Proposed Budget 1

FY 2021 Proposed Budget 1

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

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l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED REVENUE

County of Russell Governmental Funds Budgeted Revenue
FYE 6/30/2021

Fund, Major and Minor Revenue Source

Actual Revenue
FYE 6/30/17


FYE 6/30/18 Actual Revenue

FYE 6/30/19

Budgeted Revenue

FYE 6/30/20

Budgeted Revenue

FYE 6/30/21 General Fund: Revenue from Local Sources:

General Property Taxes: 11010 Real Property Tax 7,807,527 7,976,143 8,125,018 7,922,015 8,170,000 8,170,000 0.0% 11015 Mineral Tax 1,132,351 1,060,509 934,490 853,558 936,000 936,000 0.0% 11020 Personal PSC Tax 1,504,398 1,778,636 2,168,159 1,926,981 1,900,000 1,900,000 0.0% 11030 Personal Property Tax 3,554,610 4,731,462 3,648,958 3,792,128 3,610,000 3,610,000 0.0% 11030 Mobile Home Tax 120,396 112,165 118,590 115,023 115,000 115,000 0.0% 11040 Machinery and Tools Tax 631,030 1,269,961 1,000,419 829,217 950,000 950,000 0.0% 11050 Merchants Capital 35,274 37,512 37,247 42,436 42,000 42,000 0.0% 11060-0001 Penalties 134,850 146,977 143,713 130,844 143,000 143,000 0.0% 11060-0002 Interest 316,111 318,338 303,665 266,095 303,000 303,000 0.0%

Total General Property Taxes 15,236,547 17,431,703 16,480,259 15,878,297 16,169,000 16,169,000 0.0%

Other Local Taxes:
12000-0001 Local Sales and Use Tax 2,340,484 2,047,146 1,858,779 1,997,255 2,222,256 2,222,256 0.0% 12000-0010 Coal & Gas Severance Tax 266,698 313,587 373,313 361,051 250,000 250,000 0.0% 12020-0010 Consumers’ Utility Tax 528,573 526,420 533,796 532,145 535,000 535,000 0.0% 12020-0015 E911 Tax 43,535 44,650 46,286 86,847 46,000 46,000 0.0% 12020-0016 911 Grants 29,344 120,656 19,041 - - - - 12020-0020 Consumption Taxes 73,827 72,766 75,400 75,770 75,000 75,000 0.0% 12040-0010 Franchise License Tax 547 4,640 - - - - 0.0% 12050-0010 Motor Vehicle Licenses 518,836 - - - - - - 12060-0001 Bank Stock Tax 23,936 11,216 23,838 16,838 14,000 14,000 0.0% 12070-0001 Recordation’s and Wills 26,170 22,531 34,373 26,479 28,077 28,077 0.0% 12070-0003 Grantee Tax 87,118 77,364 127,747 77,964 87,000 87,000 0.0%

Total Other Local Taxes 3,939,068 3,240,976 3,092,573 3,174,349 3,257,333 3,257,333 0.0%

Permits, Privilege Fees, & Regulatory Licenses:
13030-0005 Transfer Fees 1,327 946 902 906 1,500 1,500 0.0% 13030-0036 Animal Licenses 2,113 1,789 1,579 1,732 1,500 1,500 0.0% 13030 Building Permits 20,928 28,113 28,054 39,883 31,000 31,000 0.0% 13030 Other Permits & Other Licenses 6,258 1,769 39,440 1,442 1,700 1,700 0.0%

Total Permits, Privileges Fees, & Reg. Licenses 30,626 32,617 69,975 43,963 35,700 35,700 0.0%

Fines and Forfeitures:
14000 Court Fines & Forfeitures 13,695 20,344 19,441 13,980 18,000 18,000 0.0%

Revenue from Use of Funds & Property:
15010 Revenue from Use of Money 36,525 36,311 65,175 85,463 35,000 35,000 0.0% 15020 Revenue from Use of Property 207,909 140,868 142,380 165,162 209,300 209,300 0.0%

Total Revenue Use of Funds & Property 244,434 177,179 207,555 250,625 244,300 244,300 0.0%


FYE 6/30/16

Revenues - Page 1 of 62 4/20/2020

8:55 PM


county of Roa Sorenson Fanés Sucaieg Revere Precsanen tut et wiped eutgees_y@® Fn Mp nd nr Reve nea, seutnnanse Ae scat von Bema Sued «NG ca Hecate “MEGS” eiEGSte SMEMM” riecSbbe oeclghe General Fund: iS Revenue from Local Sources: ow General Property Taxes: UN $1010 Real Property Tax qeorsa7 —797o149——aazsor = r9z2018. ong 470000 0.0% Hos tina ties toms eam “aso 2000 8mm itco Boson! ®So Tax Vuorsse Treen acoso 1 s00 06 aro 1500800 Om Nimo Fasuna Pee Tox asst —Avanees—Snass — Srsetan GGAtioom —Seroom Sore Hse imcionune fr ‘ise “ates “asso “neaux@ atsow ais Got Hoo Marmenytn ot Tex Stoo asst sane Sime ieee Soe teo tacos Cyt soe are Graur ‘cow “ono Go Hteo.oor Pos te arr urs Sooo om om ‘ioe.tc2 hows Sins Sessa __Sos Sotoco ___eioos am etal Gener Property Taxes ine? inane wana Os Texesom ——Tesusow oon ter oct Tne: ss Staoootet sal sales anise Tx aaigeme agree Qe grass naam asta 04m tinvooora Coax Soveance Tox ress “Star CRs Stor “dann “Zsoone Sos 12020-0010 Gonsumers’ Uilty Tax 528,573 526,420 QS” 533.796 532,145, '535,000 ‘535,000 0.0% fetcooorseoton ose ‘ue maar aggonason0 0% Wauoooe orton ae ‘how ° a ‘taooma cannon Toes Ber a er iGnwoooo Pence tere ox sr Seo : : ° toe sineooor9 tater Vorwe ses swan of ° ‘Eteoooy Som sous Tax RewgO™ 126 ams sone oom {Gtvoooot Recetas sein Pn ne soe Grroons Greet & Fei ate fase ose Tet ter Loca Tree Gusts Seas —airase Soe Permits, Privilege Foes, & Regulatory Liens: & ‘Simaoans ae: as Ser os 2 ee eee Sisco eaten ee eI Sat isno aura peree g sue = ahr)—sahaue,— ames gon stoma am Sh Sheri omrtane og case me ea tuea Son S08 oe “otal Pots Paes Reg Leenes se moms sae) cag spss, _sgrmo sone Fines and Forfeitures: <a Fa eats Fretuae)S° gos ___ nou toast __ 3500 __ 000 2000 00% RS favre tom Use ot unde 55 ‘oro peer Ser ey sosasaest = osi7s sass. gan as000 nm {sto —Revrugfun vc By csisee __vioaes yess senna cass ato fos Tppttevnse Us of Funds & ayo arise _orsss _angas_auiam __ 242 00%

Revenues - Page 1 of 62

1202020 55pm

FY 20/21 County B udget D

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eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED REVENUE

County of Russell Governmental Funds Budgeted Revenue
FYE 6/30/2021

Fund, Major and Minor Revenue Source

Actual Revenue
FYE 6/30/17


FYE 6/30/18 Actual Revenue

FYE 6/30/19

Budgeted Revenue

FYE 6/30/20

Budgeted Revenue

FYE 6/30/21


FYE 6/30/16

Charges for Services:
16010-0001 Jail and Inmate Fees 4,927 4,770 4,690 - - - 0.0% 16010-0002 Clerk’s Collections - - - - - - 0.0% 16010-0003 Charges for Law Enforcement 2,213 2,217 2,196 2,215 2,300 2,300 0.0% 16010-0005 District Court Fees - - - - - - 0.0% 16010-0008 Jail Admission Fee - - - 5,194 4,500 4,500 0.0% 16010-0011 Courthouse Security Fees 48,275 41,026 39,797 37,435 45,000 45,000 0.0% 16010-0014 Other Service Charges 1,206 1,073 10,399 956 1,100 1,100 0.0% 16010-0015 Courthouse Construction - - - 14,998 - - 0.0% 16020-0001 Commonwealth’s Attorney Fees 56,611 8,826 12,554 4,589 7,500 7,500 0.0% 16020-0002 Community Work Program - - - 6,495 - - 0.0% 16030-0003 Courthouse Maintenance Fees 8,406 7,236 9,310 10,477 8,500 8,500 0.0% 16080-0006 Disposal Fees 140,432 159,546 205,771 178,092 195,000 195,000 0.0% 16090-0001 Health Department 58,727 4,346 - - 15,000 15,000 0.0%

Total Charges for Services 320,805 229,040 284,717 260,451 278,900 278,900 0.0% Miscellaneous Revenue:
16150-0001 Library Fee & Fines 3,725 - 4,395 5,908 2,200 2,200 0.0% 16150-0005 Library Other Revenus 3,096 2,196 2,492 - 3,000 3,000 0.0% 16150-0006 Library Donations 7,300 3,361 1,674 6,259 3,500 3,500 0.0% 16150-0011 Town Support - Library (Lebanon & Honaker) 10,250 7,750 7,500 9,500 9,000 9,000 0.0% 18030-0017 CSA Void Checks - - - 885 - - 0.0% 18990-0001 Animal Shelter - Miscellaneous - 3,570 2,975 4,255 - - 0.0% 18990-0006 Sale of Surplus Property - - 150,680 127,150 - - 0.0% 18990-0007 Sales of Real Estate - - - 3,542 - - 0.0% 18890-0014 Freedom of Information Act Chg - - - 146 - - 0.0% 18990-0022 Revenue - Miscellaneous 1,581 721 42,643 - 1,500 1,500 0.0% 18990-0024 Sale of Maps & Ordinances 335 171 7 145 50 50 0.0% 18990-0025 Health & Fitness - 26,258 37,392 35,640 35,000 35,000 0.0% 18990-0026 Tax Collection Fees 15,155 19,567 6,052 15,109 - - 0.0% 18990-0033 Conference Center - 27,197 21,300 21,980 27,500 27,500 0.0% 18990-0038 Sheriffs Domestic Violence Donation - - - (836) - - 0.0% 18990-0042 Animal Shelter Donations 420 2,302 1,691 6,299 - - 0.0% 18990-0044 Sheriff Calendar Fund - - - 2,516 - - 0.0% 18990-0046 Regional IDA - - - 10,000 - - 0.0% 18990-0051 Sheriff’s Department Misc. Revenue 23,235 11,626 41,539 14,111 42,000 42,000 0.0% 18990-0052 School Resources Officers 150,115 - 62,398 207,975 120,780 120,780 0.0% 18990-0054 Sheriff - CITAC - - - 87,345 - - 0.0% 18990-0055 Castlewood Community Center 2,332 - - - - - 0.0% 18990-0056 Cleveland Park 5,159 350 - - - - 0.0% 18990-0057 Pauper Funeral - - - 816 - - 0.0% 18990-0059 Timber Sales - - - 13,700 - - 0.0% 18990-0200 Tourism Revenue - - - 2,634 - - 0.0%

Total Miscellaneous Revenue 222,704 105,069 382,738 575,079 244,530 244,530 0.0%

Recovered Costs:
Recovered Cost - Regional Jail - 702,537 267,712 - - - 0.0%

19000-0003 Recovered Cost - DSS 282,541 24,277 - - 246,000 246,000 0.0% 19000-0004 Recovered Cost - Industrial Development 12,229 16,245 29,170 21,364 18,000 18,000 0.0% 19000-0005 Recovered Cost - Health Care Fund - - - 423,394 - - 0.0% 19000-0007 Recovered Costs (Miscellaneous) 17,599 3,364 45,178 57,294 25,000 25,000 0.0% 19000-0008 Recovered Cost - Health Department - - 15,719 - - - - 19000-0009 Recovered Cost - SWVA Regional Jail - 19,626 - 51,606 - - - 19000-0020 Recovered Cost - In-State Transport - 10,158 4,088 1,658 - - -

Total Recovered Costs 312,370 776,207 361,867 555,316 289,000 289,000 0.0%

Total Local Revenue 20,320,249 22,013,135 20,899,125 20,752,060 20,536,763 20,536,763 0.0%

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County of Rust Sovernmantal Fund Sudgeted Revue Prenoron Actual det Budgeted Budgeted QP Fund, Major and Minor Revenue Revenue ActualRevanve Revenue Actual Revenue Revenue _Reverug NOY Souee rressune “fyeasonr” rvesmais “rvesauns” veesoa yeaa ‘Charges for Services: iS {010.007 Yaad mate Fees ser a7 4680 . = QP? 008 Yeotoo0n2 Gente coectons 2 dom a a8 nara aah aaa Yeoro-o00s Sues Cour Face : t ° rey {or0-0008 lladnisson Fe : : : 510 Qe 4500 808 foro-00r1 Courhoue Senay Fes sez som sors? stan CNsom == aS to0 tox o10-0014 Other Sense Chrges “08 197 10399 Reni) “i008 {eo100018 Coutoine orsinctin 1499 ° oom {020-0001 Gonmonweatve Atay Fees seati ae asst a 1.500 7500 008 20-0002 Gonsmnty Wark Program Rey ° dom 46090-0003 outhouse Maintenance Foos 8.406 7296 oa Sour? 8,500 8,500 0.0% 16080-0006 Disposal Fees 140.432 150,546 2os.771 SO Yre002 195,000 195,000 0.0% 46000-0001 Heath partment seer ne “< "S00, “tsa00 Gos “oll Charges for Services 320g0s 9040 __naaag* 200s 78900 zras00 00% iscoaneous Revenue: co tenet - Sena on 4190-0008 brary Otter Revers aoe 210 Waa 300 Sooo oom 18180-0008 Libary Donations 7.300 S361 Wier 6.250 3,500, 3.500 0.0% {es0-0011 Tow Suppor rary (Lebanon & Hoa) a8 1 1500 S00 2000 000 8 fosoo0r7 Con vau cncke ° ° fs ° "tos {2500.0001 Smal Shar Misotaneous : ws 2918 4288 i 2 toe 4990-0008 Sawer Sup Property 1080027180 : 2 dom 4900-0007 Sales of Rol Exe Lot toe : 2 om {80-0014 Freedom ef omaton Act Cho as : : 18 : 2 ome ‘o0-0002 Revenue Mescelaneove 1 ni asta 1.500 1500 808 joeo-0004 SateutMape& Ordnances in 7 us 0 so ton 189900025 Health & Fiess oF. 25.258 37.382 35540, 35,000 35,000 0.0% tess0-0028 Tax Coleco Fess Shanes ‘507 52 45108 ° oom 490-0089 Confrence Cerer’ g aier asco Bho nso 800 Gm ‘00-0088 Shane Domes Vlnce Donaton : t ee) : ares ‘200-0012 Animal Sater Donan * zy 2008 1.90% ein : ars {o0-0084 Shei Calendar Fund : : osi6 : > tos Y-0088 Rogol OA 2 : : : 10000 : 2 tom Sovooet Stef emanate noone XG ze ests) tam tz000 te {siso00e2 Somat Rewewens Oto CS e018 ® gaaee == aarars,=—ttoreo tan 700 Oe ono-0084 Shura : : = “erate ares 00-0088. Gastood Community C 29a : : ars ‘aooans6 Giving Part AO Sis 0 : : 2 tox {sisoocer Pager ral os ° ° : 16 : 2 dom 4990-0089 Tiber Saas > (G 370 : 2 dom ‘900-0200 Tourer Reve : : 2 2am 2 2 tom Texgecntnous Revenue majo 105909 eae s7saro __maaso0 —au590 00% Racovred Coxtgny PDs tA it = es rr] - - 00% 12000-0008, Recovered Cost -D8s 2ea.4i ata > uso 246000 00 ‘ Recoveed Cox distil Development 2200 jeas masa ‘too “te000 Som ‘ Recovered Gost-Heaf are rund : ° ® aaa ° Gos 1989007 Recovered Coss (scataneos) 17599 964 asi “Grane 25000 5000 Som Zoo Recover ost- Heath Deparment ra) ° 7 8 RS eco ot SVR ona : ie ae S188 : Dot 0000020 Recovered Gost -InState anspot : r * 2 fot Total Recovered Coste 3ag70 _——ye20r. ——wetger. ses e 29900 ——“azso0o 00s Total Local Revenue aas20240 _72013.135 __mmgso25 __ 072000 _ 20596763 __ 20500760 00%

1202020 Revenues - Page 20162 55pm

FY 20/21 County B udget D

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l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED REVENUE

County of Russell Governmental Funds Budgeted Revenue
FYE 6/30/2021

Fund, Major and Minor Revenue Source

Actual Revenue
FYE 6/30/17


FYE 6/30/18 Actual Revenue

FYE 6/30/19

Budgeted Revenue

FYE 6/30/20

Budgeted Revenue

FYE 6/30/21


FYE 6/30/16

Revenue from the Commonwealth:

Noncategorical Aid:
22010-0004 47,426 45,499 42,762 40,380 44,250 44,250 0.0% 22010-0005 Mobile Home Titling Tax 71,994 76,854 80,910 93,606 78,000 78,000 0.0% 22010-0006 State recordation tax 20,924 23,294 38,252 24,536 25,750 25,750 0.0% 22010-0007 DMV Stops 18,038 17,985 17,848 14,853 17,500 17,500 0.0% 22010-0008 Rolling Stock tax 150,425 135,098 134,598 135,819 135,250 135,250 0.0% 22010-0010 Motor vehicle rental tax 1,451 1,809 2,641 4,123 2,000 2,000 0.0% 22010-0011 ATV Sales Tax - - - 2,824 - - 0.0% 22010-0012 Commonwealth - Misc. Revenue - - - 586 - - 0.0% 22010-0013 Communications tax 837,938 815,102 794,394 740,153 848,000 848,000 0.0% 22010-0016 Personal property tax relief act funds 1,437,003 1,437,003 1,437,003 1,437,003 1,437,003 1,437,003 0.0% 22010-0018 Passport Fees 3,031 4,938 4,015 6,518 3,000 3,000 0.0% 22010-0019 TAC Payments for Collections (16,756) (22,507) (1,510) 52 - - 0.0% 22010-0020 Comm. of Revenue Misc. Revenue - - - 250 - - 0.0%

Total Noncategorical Aid 2,571,474 2,535,075 2,550,913 2,500,703 2,590,753 2,590,753 0.0%

Categorical Aid: Shared Expenses
23010-0001 Commonwealth’s Attorney 420,828 452,517 435,141 376,180 389,147 389,147 0.0% 23020-0001 Sheriff 1,716,971 1,656,992 1,743,984 1,532,674 1,618,320 1,618,320 0.0% 23030-0001 Commissioner of the Revenue 119,416 149,933 121,996 121,059 125,128 125,128 0.0% 23040-0001 Treasurer 111,162 111,389 113,767 113,775 117,891 117,891 0.0% 23060-0001 Registrar/Electoral Board 55,531 41,896 42,321 42,436 44,764 44,764 0.0% 23070-0005 Clerk of the Circuit Court 280,488 296,659 305,415 335,418 353,896 353,896 0.0%

Total Shared Expenses 2,704,395 2,709,386 2,762,624 2,521,542 2,649,146 2,649,146 0.0%

23010-0004 Victim Witness Grant 33,060 63,899 - 66,310 64,000 64,000 0.0% 23010-0005 Commonwealth Attorney Grant - - - 2,404 - - 0.0% 23010-0006 Commonwealth Attorney State Forfeited Asset - - - 2,147 - - 0.0% 23010-0010 Commonwealth Attorney Fed Forfeiture Fund - - - 199,023 - - 0.0% 24010-0001 Health Department - - - 44,933 - - 0.0% 24040-0002 EMS Grants 46,035 37,484 36,263 7,500 29,039 29,039 0.0% 24040-0003 EMS/Two For Life Grant - - - 59,124 - - 0.0% 24040-0004 School Resource Officer State Grant - 156,094 77,885 62,954 75,000 75,000 0.0% 24040-0005 Edward Byrne Grant (Sheriff) - 9,286 2,334 46,615 3,000 3,000 0.0% 24040-0006 Domestic Violence Against Women Grant - 20,162 24,882 24,882 24,882 24,882 0.0% 24040-0007 Litter control grants 14,845 13,051 12,759 14,080 12,800 12,800 0.0% 24040-0008 Homeland Security - 65,796 2,496 2,444 65,000 65,000 0.0% 24040-0009 Library State Aid 93,017 85,041 89,421 98,393 98,000 98,000 0.0% 24040-0011 Sheriff DMV Transfer Grant - 11,323 8,826 1,748 18,500 18,500 0.0% 24040-0013 Fire Program Funds (3,531) (7,550) (7,731) 82,455 2,000 2,000 0.0% 24040-0014 Community Work Program Grant - - 7,544 20,309 - - 0.0% 24040-0015 Sheriff Naloxone Grant - - - 9,978 - - 0.0% 24040-0018 Dante Depot Revitalization Project - - - 4,800 - - 0.0% 41010-0001 Insurance Recoveries 34,300 14,073 20,262 36,444 - - - 41010-0015 GIS 3,500 3,900 4,700 2,890 3,700 3,700 0.0% 41010-0020 Miscellaneous Revenue 59,250 70,460 542,490 57,275 70,000 70,000 0.0% 41010-0050 Transfer to GF from School 1,205,984 1,260,703 626,538 497,288

Total Other Categorical Aid 1,486,460 1,803,722 1,448,669 1,343,996 465,921 465,921 0.0%

Total Categorical Aid 4,190,855 4,513,108 4,211,293 3,865,538 3,115,067 3,115,067 0.0%

Total Revenue Commonwealth 6,762,329 7,048,183 6,762,206 6,366,241 5,705,820 5,705,820 0.0%

Commissioner of Revenue - DMV Select

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8:55 PM

County of Russa Severe Funds Sodqued Ravens Preasorazt tut et wiped eutgees_y@® Fn Mp nd nr Reve nea, seutnnanse Ae scat von Bema Sued «NG ca Hecate “MEGS” eiEGSte SMEMM” riecSbbe oeclghe Revenue from the Commonwealth: RS venenre @ Soot Cornissoner of Revenue-DMNY Select was tsa on 20 Zotoames ote ome ag Tax Nise ‘eae Sem teow Zorome Satecostontr bat Bam iow fro san woroooor Mv Sone joe ane ‘a0 son 700 Zoromes Rolin Sek tox vanes tee HEE g Osa same Zoroaoro weve etal tx ast ‘oo “aXe “ico 3000 Zora AW Sates . : e ° ° Zoioa0t2 Canmore Msc Revenue : : 4 : : Zooioauts—Commmcatns ex sree sad Weiss nano aun Zzor00018 Pecualprepty xa! act ads vasros aaron Moron Aarees sro Zoreoo1s Passat Pose Bost ‘se aes 3000 3000 Zo1o2018 TAC Pomens for Clectons carey easy aga 2 * : 220102020 Conn a Ravens se verse : 4 20 : : Total Noncategoral Ad ztiana asso zaaes aaa ETE atgoiel A Shared Expenses ows Comments Atorey wom osu) rete aaagar sar Bocomet Sh ines sages stout sgtnaao tere Zosoaet Commision e’be Reverse Toate eos totoos © “aatme = agian “usage, Howmet Tremuer Tne ®ve ager asrs aot trast ‘Boooamot Regatta toad sanyo etme “ga teen ipee "Ee Boreas Goncte heat Co onsagQ©”_sonass ___ousats _assan _ sane, __—_sztoe ‘oa Shared Expenes Sage? Zasee aren aise ——aemvs usa 20102004 Visin Wires rant Cs = wear 4010 Zotomes Comme iey eat Cone ° : Sie Zoreooe —_ormonneat aay Sat Fares Ag : : : Bd Zaotoa0_anmanweat ates Fa Foren 2 ebaes Zoromot Heat Ooportment : : > ies Ziowmee esos, e wos sana ats “00 24040-0003 EMS/Two For Life Grant x 5 - = 59,126 24ou00008 ——_Serool Resource Offer seh he : 186008 T1988 e264 Ziowoames Edna Byra Gro : came Pec oom Baresi lowe Ag Vomen Grant mie tem Howowr — txorcowal ame wes fost Tarep tao Ziowomes Hmong S eroe ea08 oe Ziowwames Lees sot? son eeaat en Ziowwaors ——ShetORY Naser ra Tees ed ae Ziowaora gga rede oss) st) ray aaa Heowonrs Rn Won oxen cn ioe ne Zowoaos inalowse Gort : : * sore : : ‘24040-0018 _y “Sante Depot ReviazatonProect : : : 4800, : : ‘oreooot gk reware ecoats sano aos mazes : : fon és 300 S00 00 S000 700 3700 tov, Mactan Reverse somo roamo__sazusosrars roam 70000 i Tonderto GF fom Sot snes sauna (es) sre RS) Total ter tg! a sesso samara __sanoun __sesoon _—_sssann soso Total Categorical Ald asonass __astzton __aztigns __aagsane snag __aisor Total Revenue Commonweath ayers __nomsea __ eras essen __s7osmno __ sos


Revenues - Page 9 of 62

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00% 0.0%


1202020 55pm

FY 20/21 County B udget D

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED REVENUE

County of Russell Governmental Funds Budgeted Revenue
FYE 6/30/2021

Fund, Major and Minor Revenue Source

Actual Revenue
FYE 6/30/17


FYE 6/30/18 Actual Revenue

FYE 6/30/19

Budgeted Revenue

FYE 6/30/20

Budgeted Revenue

FYE 6/30/21


FYE 6/30/16

Revenue from Federal Government:
Noncategorical Aid:

Payment in lieu of taxes - - - - - - -

Total General Fund 27,082,578 29,061,318 27,661,329 27,118,301 26,242,583 26,242,583 0.00%

Surplus (Deficit) in General Fund 329,040 1,999,347 266,196 696,512 0 0 0.0%

Special Revenue Funds:
Coal Road Fund:
Revenue from local sources:

Coal Road Taxes 267,745 313,810 373,313 361,050 150,000 150,000 0.0% Revenue from Use of Money - - 332 2,205 - - 0.0%

Total Coal Road Fund 267,745 313,810 373,645 363,255 150,000 150,000 0.0%

Workforce Investment Board Fund (Grant)
Revenue from State/Federal Government 2,160,662 2,615,528 2,550,279 777,106 - - 0.0% SWVA Workforce Dev Bd. Special Grants - - - - - -

Total Workforce Investment Board Fund 2,160,662 2,615,528 2,550,279 777,106 - - 0.0%

Dante Sewer Fund 49,572 49,572 49,572 49,572 49,572 49,572 0.0%

Revenue from the Commonwealth - Public Assistance 4,777,813 5,525,475 5,412,129 5,089,085 5,210,980 5,210,980 0.0%

Revenue from the Commonwealth - Comprehensive Services 1,510,363 1,871,628 1,365,218 1,168,044 1,720,700 1,720,700 0.0%

SWVA ASAP Fund (Grant) 201,795 193,011 171,682 185,168 197,052 197,052 0.0%

Total General and Special Funds 36,050,528 39,630,342 37,583,854 34,750,531 33,570,887 33,570,887 0.0%

Enterprise Fund (Canneries)
Revenue From Sales 27,467 13,761 10,841 9,326 25,000 25,000 0.0%

Total Primary Government 36,077,995 39,644,103 37,594,695 34,759,857 33,595,887 33,595,887 0.0%

Revenues - Page 4 of 62 4/20/2020

8:55 PM

FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED REVENUE wu County of Russet nN Semel ans Ss Preasorazt™ ~*~ RS ett est swiped auined_@® Fn Mp nd nr Reve se, nctut rane ele sea vie Roe a NG me Heeae “REGST" eciee “EGE tate necks Revenue from Federal Government ee

Payment in ie of ax05 .

Total General Fund

Surplus (Deficit) in General Fund

206,196 5 oe ° 2 00% ~w

Revenue Funds


‘Coal Road Fund: we Revere rom la sources: Cos! Road Taxes 27248 sizer arasigN eros ——ts0.000 150000 0.0% even rm Use of _ : 2205 ° ebm “oll Coal Road Fund oar ECT Mauss tian i000 00% tment Board Fund (Grant) AY Reve from Stata ederal Goverment aimee 20 wWissoz — rr7408 : = 00% SIVA Worktres Dev 24. Speci Grants : : - “otal Workforce Investment Board “ai Find _assossa se __assozra rrr. 00% Dani ever Fond wag am om am wan wom 00% Revenue from the Commonwes A 5525475 ___ 5.412.120 5210980 5.210.980 0.0% Revenue rom the Commonwe ee jsrere __13ss21e __ 11604 4720700 __ 1720700 00% connote oa un mum ase nan nen ‘otal GeneaLandSoeclalfundg@, — _shososza __se.eo0342 __a7stnass __n4sosoi __suszaaz __s0887 00% Enterprise Fund (Canneries) oe ovenie From Sales c. mast sa761 rose 926 25,000, 25000 00% Total rman Sent seo77s05 __so644t0n __37804605 4750957 __sa505807 __ 20505087 0.0%


1202020 Revenues - Page 4 of 62 55pm

FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21 General Fund:

Board of Supervisors (11010) Personnel Services

1001 Compensation of Members 54,700 54,700 54,700 54,700 54,700 54,700 0.0% 2001 FICA 3,585 3,242 3,297 2,985 3,500 3,500 0.0% 2005 Health care 18,855 24,554 24,554 28,741 24,600 24,600 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 77,139 82,496 82,551 86,426 82,800 82,800 0.0%

Contractual Services
3002 Professional services - Legal 72,305 75,480 81,850 143,893 110,000 110,000 0.0% 3007 Advertising 1,037 5,059 2,844 6,185 2,500 2,500 0.0%

Subtotal 73,342 80,539 84,694 150,078 112,500 112,500 0.0%

Other Charges
5203 Telecommunications 1 1 3 128 - - 0.0% 5413 Unfunded Projects 23,581 19,121 14,841 8,410 10,000 10,000 0.0% 5501 Travel (mileage) 3,928 6,548 2,999 7,177 7,000 7,000 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences and education) 18,427 13,001 15,304 16,390 20,000 20,000 0.0% 5801 Dues & association memberships 12,726 11,557 11,543 8,903 5,500 5,500 0.0% 9910 Board Contingency - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 58,664 50,228 44,690 41,008 42,500 42,500 0.0%

Total Board of Supervisors 209,145 213,263 211,935 277,512 237,800 237,800 0.0%

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 5 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

General Fund:

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

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us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

County Administrator (12010)

Personnel Services
1001 Salaries & wages 211,477 212,250 226,911 223,222 213,023 213,023 0.0% 1003 Part-time - 10,746 7,561 31,148 29,000 29,000 0.0% 2001 FICA 16,094 16,762 18,458 18,859 18,515 18,515 0.0% 2002 VRS 27,058 23,401 26,512 21,985 24,924 24,924 0.0% 2005 Health care 7,641 10,977 15,147 14,324 16,222 16,222 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 872 960 1,087 1,034 970 970 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 545 566 738 416 550 550 0.0%

Subtotal 263,687 275,662 296,414 310,988 303,203 303,203 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services 185 4,950 - - - -
3005 Maintenance service contracts 10,424 8,762 8,872 7,570 11,000 11,000 0.0% 3007 Advertising 75 - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 10,684 13,712 8,872 7,570 11,000 11,000 0.0%

Other Charges:
5201 Postal services 1,180 1,088 1,194 1,098 1,200 1,200 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications - Local/Long Distance 12,630 11,867 18,023 16,976 13,000 13,000 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 9,957 9,589 10,270 10,887 10,270 10,270 0.0% 5408 Vehicle repairs and fuel - (116) - - 2,000 2,000 0.0% 5411 Books & subscriptions 341 33 375 29 150 150 0.0% 5413 Other utilities and supplies 883 959 792 1,137 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5414 County Web-Page Development - - - 7,914 7,500 7,500 0.0% 5501 Travel (mileage) - 84 - - 500 500 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences and education) - 430 - (24) - - 0.0% 5801 Dues & Association Memberships - 500 (500) - 500 500 0.0%

Subtotal 24,991 24,434 30,154 38,017 36,620 36,620 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures - - - - - - 0.0%

Total County Administrator 299,362 313,808 335,440 356,575 350,823 350,823 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 6 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

‘county of Russet Budgeted Expenditures

County Administrator (12010) ersonne! Sevens

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

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us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Independent Auditor (12080)
Contractual Services:

3002 Professional services - Accounting Services 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 0.0% 3002 Professional services - Annual Audit 51,870 52,650 53,800 70,250 52,650 52,650 0.0%

Total Independent Auditor 67,470 68,250 69,400 85,850 68,250 68,250 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 7 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Indpendent Autor (12080)

“3002” Professional servos - Accounting Services

“Tota independent Autor


tua! Actua Actual


Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget

Freanove FYEGnar? = ‘FYEanovta —‘FYEwmarta. © FYE@n0n0 15600 15600 15,600 15,600 sg600 silo eso 33300 mo 20 szes0 erar0 68.250 2400 asa60 ea250

ExpanaturoDetal by Atay -Page 7 of 62


FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Commissioner of the Revenue (12090)

Personnel Services:
1001 Salaries & wages 211,368 213,858 218,475 211,080 233,987 233,987 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages 20,112 17,587 15,774 14,768 16,894 16,894 0.0% 2001 FICA 17,542 17,358 17,455 16,294 19,192 19,192 0.0% 2002 VRS 31,367 26,801 23,950 24,697 27,376 27,376 0.0% 2005 Health care 7,641 7,640 11,416 20,533 12,500 12,500 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 1,015 1,099 1,114 1,098 1,103 1,103 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit - - - - - - 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation 136 275 - 544 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 289,181 284,618 288,184 289,014 311,053 311,053 0.0%

Other Charges:
5401 Office expenses - supplement 18,521 20,859 19,519 19,511 25,000 25,000 0.0%

Subtotal 18,521 20,859 19,519 19,511 25,000 25,000 0.0%

Total Commissioner of the Revenue 307,702 305,477 307,703 308,525 336,053 336,053 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 8 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Commiesloe tthe Revenue (12080 ‘anna Soe fons Patmewanes nee ne ‘os Coup teuce Za Wonmers conensctn

“HOT Ofie expenses supreme


et tet th nny te gn Pn a ay “cove Seder Seay ress At, PES, i xO! ise ins iu 2 OO & 307,702 305,477 307,703 308,525 so "336,053 396,053. Se o SS x ee OY

ExpanaturoDetal by tity -Page 8 of 62

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Real Estate Assessment (12100)

Personnel Services
1001 Salary & wages 76,239 79,219 68,577 73,940 73,446 73,446 0.0% 2001 FICA 5,758 5,983 5,139 5,514 5,650 5,650 0.0% 2002 VRS 11,314 9,199 8,639 8,651 8,600 8,600 0.0% 2005 Health care 3,820 1,910 2,229 572 - - 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 366 377 354 384 350 350 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 229 203 191 155 200 200 0.0%

Subtotal 98,116 96,891 85,129 89,216 88,246 88,246 0.0%

Contractual Services
3002-1 Professional services - Assessor’s Contract - 2,999 145,519 185,381 2,000 2,000 0.0% 3002-2 Professional services - Pictometry 27,522 601 4,338 - 2,500 2,500 0.0% 3005 Maintenance services contracts 3,443 2,375 3,080 502 3,100 3,100 0.0% 3006 Printing & binding 2,991 3,577 3,153 3,795 3,150 3,150 0.0%

Subtotal 33,956 9,552 156,090 189,678 10,750 10,750 0.0%

Other Charges
5201 Postal services 12 439 585 378 500 500 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 1,800 1,837 1,473 1,445 1,475 1,475 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 793 4,239 1,206 34 1,200 1,200 0.0% 5408 Vehicle repair & maintenance - - - 260 250 250 0.0% 5501 Travel (mileage) - - - - 250 250 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences & education) - - - - - - 0.0% 5801 Dues - 30 - - 50 50 0.0%

Subtotal 2,605 6,545 3,264 2,117 3,725 3,725 0.0%

Capital Outlay
7002 Furniture & fixtures - - - - - - 0.0%

Total Real Estate Assessment 134,677 112,988 244,483 281,011 102,721 102,721 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 9 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

RealEstate Assessment (12100) Persone! Senvieas

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FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Nua oa & ‘Actual ‘Actual ‘Actual ‘Actual Actual Proposed vw Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget x’ Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

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ExpanaturoDetal by tity -Page 9 of 62


FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Treasurer’s Office (12130)

Personnel Services
1001 Salaries & wages 250,843 285,278 290,944 277,319 281,600 281,600 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages 2,746 958 - 689 - - 0.0% 2001 FICA 17,976 20,208 20,536 19,076 21,542 21,542 0.0% 2002 VRS 37,032 35,288 36,892 32,446 32,947 32,947 0.0% 2005 Health care 42,673 50,542 17,405 52,993 43,000 43,000 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 1,198 1,447 1,513 1,442 1,292 1,292 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 44 - - - - 0.0% 2009 Unemployment insurance - 100 138 - 138 138 0.0%

Subtotal 352,512 393,821 367,428 383,965 380,520 380,520 0.0%

Contractual Services
3005 Maintenance service contracts 3,151 2,998 926 1,993 900 900 0.0% 3007 Advertising 246 218 227 99 230 230 0.0%

Subtotal 3,397 3,216 1,153 2,092 1,130 1,130 0.0%

Other Charges
5201 Postal services 37,523 15,599 18,507 15,284 18,500 18,500 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 4,075 4,205 4,542 4,604 4,500 4,500 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 6,084 5,345 4,872 5,352 4,800 4,800 0.0% 5501 Travel (mileage) - - - - - - 0.0% 5504 Travel (conference & education) - - - - - - 0.0% 5801 Dues & association memberships 500 - - - - - 0.0% 5802 Tax tickets 1,031 13,727 14,140 15,894 14,000 14,000 0.0% 5803 Credit card fees & expenses 10,412 13,535 16,397 14,387 16,500 16,500 0.0%

Subtotal 59,625 52,411 58,458 55,521 58,300 58,300 0.0%

Capital Outlay
7002 Furniture & fixtures - - - - - - 0.0%

Total Treasurer’s Office 415,534 449,448 427,039 441,578 439,950 439,950 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 10 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

“Treasurers Office (12130 Persone! Soneas

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Procurement Officer and Data Processing (12300)

Personnel Services
1001 Salaries & wages 40,058 40,556 40,860 41,677 43,761 43,761 0.0% 2001 FICA 2,710 2,692 2,643 2,746 3,348 3,348 0.0% 2002 VRS 5,945 5,079 5,181 4,876 5,120 5,120 0.0% 2005 Health care 10,008 10,008 10,008 10,577 10,008 10,008 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 192 208 213 217 213 213 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 120 112 112 87 112 112 0.0%

Subtotal 59,033 58,655 59,017 60,180 62,562 62,562 0.0%

Contractual Services
3002 Professional services 19,670 26,074 46,833 28,043 25,000 25,000 0.0% 3005 Maintenance service contracts 30,001 52,073 18,651 39,776 50,000 50,000 0.0%

Subtotal 49,671 78,147 65,484 67,819 75,000 75,000 0.0%

Other Charges
5401 Office supplies - - - 342 - - 0.0%

Subtotal - - - 342 - - 0.0% Capital Outlay

7002 Equipment Replacements 25,110 22,270 - 12,752 25,000 25,000 0.0% Subtotal 25,110 22,270 - 12,752 25,000 25,000 0.0%

Total Procurement Office 133,814 159,072 124,501 141,093 162,562 162,562 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 11 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES w County of use s Set Es O ove KS ee ee J gtidire sgrines catia —ewtrinewe ge "Sue cians Seti RSTRNT EU S Procurement Ofer and Data Procestina (12300) os ela eS 01 Sete kao nos ome agama a aOR om 8 od a sia omy mm ie ce as pad Bod oo BE nce a a en ee rs & Seki a re ee ee ‘Sal ait aii ae als asi —@85 th "Pea coves woo ome tems mora? ssa o0n ee ac ge mee gee oe ae tt Soa ——— — aos Oe cee Sito oom To0e " equiorent Replacements 25.110 22270 25,000 0.0% tl rset ee ‘mau toner net ans

xpondtre Dota by Atv -Page 11 of 62 5PM

FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Electoral Board & Officials (13010)

Personnel Services
1003 Part-time Wages - 966 - - - - 0.0% 1008 Compensation of members 11,461 8,424 8,587 8,492 8,500 8,500 0.0% 2001 FICA - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 11,461 9,390 8,587 8,492 8,500 8,500 0.0%

Contractual Services

3002 Professional services 57,239 51,747 70,636 37,561 55,000 55,000 0.0% 3004 Repair & maintenance services 394 - - - 2,500 2,500 0.0% 3006 Printing & binding 711 516 - - 800 800 0.0% 3007 Advertising 361 516 510 - 500 500 0.0%

Subtotal 58,705 52,779 71,146 37,561 58,800 58,800 0.0%

Other Charges
5201 Postal services 2,160 2,166 1,170 2,180 2,000 2,000 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 94 94 470 995 750 750 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 1,999 2,505 2,936 4,388 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5413 Other expenses - 607 - - - - 0.0% 5501 Travel (mileage) 4,132 - 570 1,164 2,000 2,000 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences & education) - - - - - - 0.0% 5801 Dues & association memberships - - - - 125 125 0.0%

Subtotal 8,385 5,372 5,146 8,727 6,375 6,375 0.0%

Capital Outlay
7002 Furniture & fixtures - - 171,727 18,637 - - 0.0%

Voting Machine - - 171,727 18,637 - - 0.0%

Total Electoral Board & Officials 78,551 67,541 256,606 73,417 73,675 73,675 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 12 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Electoral Soard & Oficial (15010) Persone! Servcas


Compensation of members Sabot

Contec Serves

2002 Professional sevies 13008. Pra & orang Suto! other Charmes 5203 Tesconmunietons EN ter expenaes 0! Travel imisane) S501 Trav! conerences &etueaton) $801 Dues 8 areocaton memtershioe 7002 Fut & ities

FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Nua oa & ‘Actual ‘Actual ‘Actual ‘Actual Actual Proposed vw Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget x’ Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

nat ts ar ae at —ali ——ni —ao ee aaa 570 & oe ae as seen . — asst onset ee 256606 rast ras1s 73675 00% &

xpondtre Dota by Atv -Page 120 62 5PM

FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

General Registrar (13020)
Personnel Services:

1001 Salaries & wages 72,938 65,473 76,811 80,721 85,340 85,340 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages - - - - - - 0.0% 2001 FICA 5,411 4,869 5,709 5,545 6,528 6,528 0.0% 2002 VRS 10,824 8,150 10,320 9,444 9,985 9,985 0.0% 2005 Health care 7,681 6,049 7,323 14,706 12,500 12,500 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 350 334 398 420 320 320 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit - - - - 181 181 0.0% 2008 Dental Insurance - - - 684 684 684 0.0% 2009 Unemployment insurance - - - - - - 0.0% 2010 Vision Insurance - - - 73 73 73 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation 137 85 - 206 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 97,341 84,960 100,561 111,799 115,611 115,611 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services - 253 1,661 1,665 1,000 1,000 0.0% 3004 Repair & maintenance services - - - - 300 300 0.0% 3005 Maintenance service contracts 1,268 1,784 3,993 3,550 1,600 1,600 0.0% 3006 Printing & binding 1,404 - - - 1,000 1,000 0.0% 3007 Advertising 167 173 288 82 400 400 0.0%

Subtotal 2,839 2,210 5,942 5,297 4,300 4,300 0.0%

Other Charges:
5201 Postal services 1,760 1,766 200 280 100 100 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 2,628 2,804 2,799 2,840 2,300 2,300 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 2,100 849 3,658 1,835 2,600 2,600 0.0% 5413 Other utilities 1,227 1,420 1,492 1,569 500 500 0.0% 5501 Travel (mileage) 127 20 - - 800 800 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences and education) 170 (1,325) - - - - 0.0% 5801 Dues & Association Memberships 37 140 170 - 170 170 0.0%

Subtotal 8,049 5,674 8,319 6,524 6,470 6,470 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures - - - 1,326 - - 0.0%

Subtotal - - - 1,326 - - 0.0%

Total General Registrar 108,229 92,844 114,822 124,946 126,381 126,381 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 13 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Genaral Rostra (13020 Persone! Servic.

= ioe ioe oe

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Circuit Court (21010)

Personnel Services:
0006 Court Cost (Witness Mileage) - - 1,038 1,652 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1001 Salaries & wages 89,542 84,338 84,200 88,828 90,178 90,178 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages - - - - - - 0.0% 1008 Jury commr. fees 8,219 6,517 6,570 6,780 6,740 6,740 0.0% 2001 FICA 6,723 6,810 6,450 6,625 6,899 6,899 0.0% 2002 VRS 13,288 9,968 18,886 9,867 10,551 10,551 0.0% 2005 Health care 3,820 955 - 4,479 4,600 4,600 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 430 409 436 439 465 465 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 269 220 235 177 263 263 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation 262 197 223 264 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 122,553 109,414 118,038 119,111 120,695 120,695 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3005 Maintenance service contracts 849 978 1,388 1,891 1,800 1,800 0.0%

Subtotal 849 978 1,388 1,891 1,800 1,800 0.0%

Other Charges:
5203 Telecommunications 1,994 2,045 2,055 1,848 2,100 2,100 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 3,575 3,563 2,741 2,275 3,900 3,900 0.0% 5501 Travel (mileage) - - - - 100 100 0.0%

Subtotal 5,569 5,608 4,796 4,123 6,100 6,100 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures - - - 15,550 - - 0.0%

Subtotal - - - 15,550 - - 0.0%

Total Circuit Court 128,971 116,000 124,222 140,675 128,595 128,595 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 14 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

‘county of Russet Budgeted Expenditures

Cet Court (2010) Persone! Servos:

‘Court Cost ines hone)

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

General District Court (21020)
Personnel Services:

1003 Part-time wages 3,619 6,270 6,664 6,486 7,137 7,137 0.0% 2001 FICA 281 480 510 496 546 546 0.0% 2005 Health care - - - - - - 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance - - - - - - 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit - - - - - - 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 3,900 6,750 7,174 6,982 7,683 7,683 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3005 Maintenance service contracts - 457 503 2,864 1,500 1,500 0.0%

Subtotal - 457 503 2,864 1,500 1,500 0.0%

Other Charges:
5203 Telecommunications 4,945 4,953 4,670 3,999 4,800 4,800 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 2,763 1,640 2,355 2,242 2,500 2,500 0.0% 5413 Other expenses (video conferencing) - - 1,095 - 1,000 1,000 0.0%

Subtotal 7,708 6,593 8,120 6,241 8,300 8,300 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal - - - - - - 0.0%

Total General District Court 11,608 13,800 15,797 16,087 17,483 17,483 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 15 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

{General District Court (21020) Persone! Serves zon FCA a ‘00 310 8 6 2008 Group fe neurnce

2011 Workmen’s companeaion 2

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Special Magistrates (21030)

Other Charges:
5203 Telecommunications 5,223 3,263 3,698 3,212 3,700 3,700 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 663 292 1,800 864 800 800 0.0%

Subtotal 5,886 3,555 5,498 4,076 4,500 4,500 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures - - - - - - 0.0% 8002 Rent/lease 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 - - 0.0%

Total Special Magistrates 9,786 7,455 9,398 7,976 4,500 4,500 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 16 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

Special Masistrate 21050) ‘Oher Chae

S203 Tsecormunilions sus 263 58 sez 700 ‘S401 Of sopies 63 2a 4800 ae ‘0

Sibi 6 3555 3.88 ore 500 7002 FunturlFbres .

Soto 3500 3000 3000 300

‘otal Special Magistrates 9786 1485 3.398 976 4500 <S.

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Probation Services (21050)

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services - - 63,266 - 6,600 6,600 0.0% 3009 Purchase of services 302,899 278,957 215,906 204,708 197,052 197,052 0.0%

Subtotal 302,899 278,957 279,172 204,708 203,652 203,652 0.0%

Other Charges:
5103 Water/sewer services
5203 Telecommunications 4,786 4,473 4,112 4,845 4,229 4,229 0.0% 5413 Postage 178 184 188 199 380 380 0.0%

Subtotal 4,964 4,657 4,300 5,044 4,609 4,609 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures
8002 Rent/lease - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal - - - - - - 0.0%

Total Probation Office 307,863 283,614 283,472 209,752 208,261 208,261 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 17 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

Probation Service (21050) ‘Contec Senvone

  1. Parcooe of eervese 02.00 zrass7 216606 20400 “S03 Watrisaner serves S413 Postane te ‘ie ‘8 ‘ce

7002 FuurlFbsres Soto

Total Probation ofie soraes __sen4 massra amare SS snae RS

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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Clerk’s Office (21060)

Personnel Services:
1001 Salaries & wages 284,282 299,993 302,614 332,911 324,100 324,100 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages - - - - - - 0.0% 2001 FICA 20,734 21,907 22,278 23,281 24,794 24,794 0.0% 2002 VRS 40,697 36,349 36,895 38,799 37,920 37,920 0.0% 2005 Health care 29,092 34,505 29,521 58,021 34,724 34,724 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 1,316 1,491 1,513 1,725 1,326 1,326 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 10 - - - - - 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation 115 189 185 324 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 376,246 394,434 393,006 455,061 422,863 422,863 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services (Audit) - 1,280 - 2,162 1,500 1,500 0.0% 3005 Maintenance service contracts 1,939 535 594 216 2,500 2,500 0.0% 3006 Printing & binding (record docum.) 7,462 3,128 5,763 2,853 4,000 4,000 0.0% 3007 Advertising - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 9,401 4,943 6,357 5,231 8,000 8,000 0.0%

5201 Postal services 4,259 3,699 3,487 2,963 4,500 4,500 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 3,868 3,691 3,659 7,380 3,500 3,500 0.0% 5306 Bond premium (1,918) - (402) - - - 0.0% 5401 Office supplies - 211 - 171 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences and education) - - - - - - 0.0% 5801 Dues & Association Memberships - - - - 500 500 0.0% 5902 Technology Trust Fund - - 4,932 7,250 - - 0.0% 9999 Other - Audit Adjustments - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 6,209 7,601 11,676 17,764 13,500 13,500 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures - - - 1,974 - - 0.0% 7009 Security monitor - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal - - - 1,974 - - 0.0%

Total Clerk’s Office 391,856 406,978 411,039 480,030 444,363 444,363 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 18 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Sheriff - Civil & Court Security (21070)

Personnel Services
1001 Salaries & wages - Regular Hours 700,669 791,349 702,536 813,133 752,416 752,416 0.0% 2001 FICA 51,250 57,480 55,798 57,529 57,560 57,560 0.0% 2002 VRS 95,633 87,540 83,708 76,922 88,033 88,033 0.0% 2005 Health care 78,913 98,039 88,689 120,532 81,616 81,616 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 3,093 3,591 3,433 3,418 3,732 3,732 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit - - - 189 - - 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation - - - - - - 0.0%

Total Sheriff-Civil & Court Security 929,558 1,037,999 934,164 1,071,723 983,356 983,356 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 19 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

‘Sher civil & Court Security 21070) Persone! Serene

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Commonwealth’s Attorney (22010)
Personnel Services

1001 Salaries & wages 358,898 399,677 405,836 411,316 451,882 451,882 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages 94,033 83,223 53,082 122,582 128,711 128,711 0.0% 2001 FICA 33,067 35,688 39,982 39,146 39,130 39,130 0.0% 2002 VRS 48,067 49,312 51,460 44,797 52,870 52,870 0.0% 2005 Health care 44,711 25,628 22,187 39,739 37,418 37,418 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 1,555 2,022 2,110 1,991 1,536 1,536 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit - 126 129 104 - - 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation - 40 120 146 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 580,331 595,716 574,906 659,821 711,547 711,547 0.0%

Other Charges:
5401 Office expense - supplement 68,075 61,774 33,592 26,863 8,900 8,900 0.0% 5417 Other expenses - - 586 - - 0.0% 5900 State Asset Forfeiture Expenses - - - 2,185 - - 0.0% 5903 Federal Justice Forfeiture Expenses - - - 124,568 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 68,075 61,774 33,592 154,202 8,900 8,900 0.0%

Community Worker Program:
5415 Program Supplies - 11,047 33,093 54,017 25,000 25,000 0.0%

Total Commonwealth’s Attorney 648,406 668,538 641,591 868,040 745,447 745,447 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 20 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Commonweat’s Atoroy (22010)

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Victim Witness Grant (22020)

Personnel Services
1001 Salaries & wages 31,405 48,356 49,308 47,858 47,858 47,858 0.0% 2001 FICA 2,351 3,616 3,686 3,620 3,661 3,661 0.0% 2002 VRS 4,096 6,068 6,068 5,599 5,599 5,599 0.0% 2005 Health care - - - 286 - - 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 132 249 249 249 249 249 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 83 134 134 101 18 18 0.0% 2011 Workers’ compensation - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 38,067 58,423 59,445 57,713 57,386 57,386 0.0%

Other Charges:
5401 Office supplies 1,021 2,234 1,110 466 1,000 1,000 0.0% 5504 Travel (Conferences & education) - - - - - - 0.0% 9999 Other - Audit Adjustments - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 1,021 2,234 1,110 466 1,000 1,000 0.0% Capital Outlay:

7002 Furniture/Fixtures - - - - - - 0.0% Subtotal - - - - - - 0.0%

Total Victim Witness 39,088 60,657 60,555 58,179 58,386 58,386 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 21 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Vitin witness Gran (22020) Persone! Sonieas

omg 2 Ss oS scat


Actus tua! Actua Actual expenditures Expendtves Expenditures Expenttures Fresno. Fvecna? © ‘FYEanovta. © FYEwate,

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Sheriff - Law Enforcement (31020)
Personnel Services

1001 Salaries & wages - Regular hours 1,054,534 985,119 1,052,932 1,244,221 1,127,690 1,127,690 0.0% 2001 FICA 76,303 70,531 83,498 88,188 86,268 86,268 0.0% 2002 VRS 136,805 114,582 132,490 125,012 131,940 131,940 0.0% 2005 Health care 141,153 147,525 135,004 178,906 147,000 147,000 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 4,425 4,699 5,579 5,556 4,604 4,604 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit - - - - - - 0.0% 2009 Unemployment insurance - - 636 359 - - 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 1,413,220 1,322,456 1,410,139 1,642,242 1,497,502 1,497,502 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services - 215 519 2,563 - - 0.0% 3004 Repair & maintenance services 133 277 - 62 - - 0.0% 3005 Maintenance service contracts 21,802 12,485 15,881 16,580 25,000 25,000 0.0% 3009 Purchase of services 2,400 800 9,979 45 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 24,335 13,777 26,379 19,250 25,000 25,000 0.0%

Other Charges:
5101 Electricity 24,204 27,241 (874) 26,858 27,000 27,000 0.0% 5103 Water/Sewer 4,645 3,147 6,497 3,818 3,200 3,200 0.0% 5201 Postal services 3,060 3,349 3,420 3,504 3,400 3,400 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications - Mobile 56,723 63,428 64,162 72,673 58,000 58,000 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 9,631 6,310 6,125 16,299 8,000 8,000 0.0% 5408 Vehicle Equip/ Fuel Supplies 211,426 231,993 196,260 310,815 220,000 220,000 0.0% 5409 Police Supplies 42,755 40,962 18,000 29,458 38,000 38,000 0.0% 5410 Uniforms/Wearing apparel 32,355 24,707 9,965 19,662 25,000 25,000 0.0% 5413 Sheriff 29th District Task Force - - - - - - 0.0% 5501 TOG Fund - - - - - - 0.0% 5503 Transport of Prisoners 39,520 36,808 27,869 35,935 38,000 38,000 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences and education) - - - 2,800 - - 0.0% 5600 Police academy 14,880 15,781 16,170 100 15,000 15,000 0.0% 5801 Dues & Association Memberships - - - - - - 0.0% 5900 Restitution Fund Expenses 70,350 276,661 30,154 22,560 - - 0.0% 5901 Sheriff State Forfeited Expenses - - - 24,009 - - 0.0% 5902 Sheriff Federal Forfeited Expenses - - - 18,811 - - 0.0% 5903 Sheriff Seized Expenses - - - 241,276 - - 0.0% 5904 Sheriff Federal Justice Forfeited Expenses - - - 60,341 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 509,967 730,387 377,748 888,919 435,600 435,600 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7003 Radio & communication 35,189 30,733 21,622 17,009 29,000 29,000 0.0% 7006 Edward Byrne Grant 2,019 - - - - - 0.0% 8000 Patrol Vehicles 118,305 130,486 129,216 122,702 86,000 86,000 0.0% 8002 Rent/lease 33,600 33,600 33,600 33,600 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 189,113 194,819 184,438 173,311 115,000 115,000 0.0%

Total Sheriff - Law Enforcement 2,136,635 2,261,439 1,998,704 2,723,722 2,073,102 2,073,102 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 22 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

ee ee ae CRT Gm Ser ta, an, so sateen s “OOt Sates 8 wages - Rena hors tosses oust taszne = nzagaat ssersso srr 00% QD 2001 ICA 76,303, 70531 35,408 26,188 6.268 e268 Om 2 & i & i & ifs 2008 Group fe insurance, 4425 4.609, 5579 5.556 4604 y 0% cng ee = Seis a a ee i.e cl & & vss a 6 = 2 BE 5413 Shertf 29th Distt Task Force . oF . = 00% SS) Tere renes sin in QO? rin gig nin in 2 ; = = = 5600 Police academy 14.000 ee 16,170 100 15,000 15000 0.0% i meee cr re ES = Soca, “g : : & Be RS secre —s oe ie comm 5 tt eet vr ratte quer amin amt ama ama ae an

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Litter Control (31030)

5401 Office Supplies 96 43 - - - - 0.0% 5408 Vehicle Cost and Supplies 1,045 3,987 - - - - 0.0% 5413 Trash pickup supplies 2,778 3,304 163 - - - 0.0% 5414 Litter grant with match 4,113 4,548 15,886 4,430 - - 0.0% 5415 Litter grant 4,149 150 150 - - - 0.0% 5416 Pickup Recycle Expense 2,178 - - 17 - - 0.0%

Total Litter Control 14,359 12,032 16,199 4,447 - - 0.0%

Dare Program (91000)

5060 Contribution 3,216 - 2,788 2,957 3,000 3,000 0.0% 9999 Other - Audit Adjustments - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 3,216 - 2,788 2,957 3,000 3,000 0.0%

Total Dare Program 3,216 12,032 2,788 2,957 3,000 3,000 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 23 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Volunteer Fire Department (32020)

Contractual Services:
3009 Purchase of services - - - - - - 0.0%

Other Charges:

5604 Contributions to fire departments

  • Lebanon 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 0.0%
  • Cleveland 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 0.0%
  • Dante 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 0.0%
  • Honaker 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 0.0%
  • St. Paul 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 0.0%
  • Belfast/Rosedale 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 0.0%
  • Copper Creek/Moccasin * 1.5 39,900 39,900 39,900 39,900 39,900 39,900 0.0%
  • Castlewood 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 26,600 0.0% Subtotal 203,200 203,200 203,200 203,200 203,200 203,200 0.0%

Capital Outlay:

8002 Annual Lease Payment 3,900 3,900 - 3,900 - - 0.0% 9000 Fire Program Grant - - - 82,455 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 3,900 3,900 - 86,355 - - 0.0%

Total Volunteer Fire Department 207,100 207,100 203,200 289,555 203,200 203,200 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 24 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

\Voluntee Fre Department (32020) ‘Contec Servens

“204 Contbutons ore deserments Cleveland BetactRocade Cooper rostNoceasn "1.5 atowood

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Rescue Squads / 911 Calls (32030)

Other Charges:
5413 Other expenses - - - - - - 0.0% 5604 Contributions to Rescue Squads

  • New Garden 31,374 31,375 31,374 31,374 31,375 31,375 0.0%
  • Lebanon 31,374 31,375 31,374 31,374 31,375 31,375 0.0%
  • Cleveland 31,374 31,375 32,874 32,874 32,875 32,875 0.0%
  • Castlewood 31,374 31,375 31,374 31,374 31,375 31,375 0.0%
  • Dante 31,374 31,375 32,875 32,874 32,875 32,875 0.0%

5606 Four for Life - 29,980 30,000 29,041 30,000 30,000 0.0% 5607 911 Calls - - - - - - 0.0% 5608 EMS Council - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 156,870 186,855 189,871 188,911 189,875 189,875 0.0%

Total Rescue Squad/911 Calls 156,870 186,855 189,871 188,911 189,875 189,875 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 25 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Forestry Service (32040)

Other Charges:
5605 Contribution to Forest Fire Ext. - 23,608 11,804 12,239 11,804 11,804 0.0%

Subtotal - 23,608 11,804 12,239 11,804 11,804 0.0%

Total Forestry Service - 23,608 11,804 12,239 11,804 11,804 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 26 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

Forestry Service (32040) “ner Grae

Subtotal = 23608 Ti.808 12239 11.808 Total Forestry Sorvice : 23,608 1.908 saz ane

xpondtre Deal by Activ -Page 260 62 5PM

FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

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l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Sheriff - Regional Jail (33010)

Contractual Services:
3009 Purchase of services 2,287,764 2,080,123 1,914,790 2,411,790 1,914,790 1,914,790 0.0%

Subtotal 2,287,764 2,080,123 1,914,790 2,411,790 1,914,790 1,914,790 0.0%

Other Charges
5413 Other expenses - Jail Grant

Subtotal - - - - - - 0.0%

Debt service
1006 Debt appropriation 677,190 573,955 573,955 573,953 573,955 573,955 0.0%

Total Sheriff - Regional Jail 2,964,954 2,654,078 2,488,745 2,985,743 2,488,745 2,488,745 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 27 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

‘Shee Region Jai (9010) ‘Contec! Serene Soto

ner Chames Sito

Debt seven

“Total Sherif Reaionl Jail


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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Building Inspector (34010)
Personnel Services

1001 Salaries & wages 74,882 75,469 75,962 77,481 81,355 81,355 0.0% 2001 FICA 5,413 5,110 5,123 5,327 6,224 6,224 0.0% 2002 VRS 10,765 9,443 9,632 9,065 9,519 9,519 0.0% 2005 Health care 10,008 19,840 16,642 13,945 12,245 12,245 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 348 387 395 403 387 387 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 218 209 213 163 229 229 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 101,634 110,458 107,967 106,385 109,959 109,959 0.0%

Other Charges:
5201 Postal services 200 181 194 219 200 200 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 1,791 1,797 1,768 1,802 1,900 1,900 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 3,159 2,761 3,809 2,751 3,000 3,000 0.0% 5408 Vehicle/Equipment Supplies 1,113 51 1,502 550 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5411 Books & subscriptions - - - - 100 100 0.0% 5413 Program Service Fee - - - - 3,995 3,995 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences and education) 78 - - - - - 0.0% 5801 Dues & Association Memberships - - - - 75 75 0.0%

Subtotal 6,341 4,790 7,273 5,322 10,770 10,770 0.0%

Total Building Inspector 107,975 115,248 115,240 111,707 120,729 120,729 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 28 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Building inspector 34010)

“Ut Sle & wanes fom VRS 2008 Group fe neurnce 2011 Workmen’s companeaion “201 Postal seneas S401 Of sopies 5408 VehelsEauement Supties ‘S11 Booke&sutecrotone 5413 roam Serice Fee 15508 Travel conteraoes ond edueston)


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FY 20/21 County B udget D

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Sheriff - Enhanced 911 (32050)

Personnel Services
1001 Salaries & wages 327,244 309,487 371,794 319,475 335,449 335,449 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages 35,932 25,420 12,984 16,821 - - 0.0% 2001 FICA 26,068 24,400 23,800 24,328 25,662 25,662 0.0% 2002 VRS 47,852 38,674 39,569 37,232 39,248 39,248 0.0% 2005 Health care 51,499 32,913 29,092 34,795 46,264 46,264 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 1,547 1,586 1,623 1,655 1,937 1,937 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit - - - - - - 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s compensation 42 168 172 191 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 490,184 432,648 479,034 434,497 448,559 448,559 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services (MSAG) 8,081 7,284 1,055 867 10,000 10,000 0.0% 3005 Maintenance service contracts 53,648 35,106 44,407 36,047 35,000 35,000 0.0%

Subtotal 61,729 42,390 45,462 36,914 45,000 45,000 0.0%

Other Charges:
5101 Electrical services - - - - - - 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 20,145 23,055 25,699 26,221 22,000 22,000 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 1,753 2,521 3,768 2,201 2,000 2,000 0.0% 5408 Vehicle equipment supplies 578 325 1,531 - 400 400 0.0% 5413 Other expenses (install signage) 9,325 11,352 7,080 7,529 7,500 7,500 0.0% 7006 Grant Funds - - 17,245 - - - 0.0% 7007 E911 Center Insurance Claim - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 31,801 37,253 55,323 35,951 31,900 31,900 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures 143 519 617 525 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 143 519 617 525 - - 0.0%

Total Enhanced 911 583,857 512,810 580,436 507,887 525,459 525,459 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 29 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

‘county of Russet Budgeted Expenditures

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FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Nua oa & ‘Actual ‘Actual ‘Actual ‘Actual Actual Proposed vw Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget x’ Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

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raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Medical Examiner (35030)

Contractual Services:
3001 Professional health services 500 660 400 400 400 400 0.0%

Total Medical Examiner 500 660 400 400 400 400 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 30 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Nua s ‘County of Russell °) Fortean RS cual Acad tush sl =a Popnnd ve a a . sccie SRO? GUT WaT ete cm, 3 Ss mecgeemecice & ee oe 3 ZR e 3 RY

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Emergency Management (35050)

Personnel Services
1001 Salaries & wages 47,093 47,591 48,035 48,996 51,445 51,445 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages - 4,680 12,645 10,902 11,447 11,447 0.0% 2001 FICA 3,563 3,953 4,597 4,437 4,811 4,811 0.0% 2002 VRS 6,989 5,971 6,091 5,732 6,019 6,019 0.0% 2005 Health care 3,820 3,820 3,820 4,886 3,638 3,638 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 226 245 250 255 245 245 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 141 132 135 103 139 139 0.0% 2011 Workmen’s Compensation - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 61,832 66,392 75,573 75,311 77,745 77,745 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3005 Maintenance service contracts - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal - - - - - - 0.0%

Other Charges:
5201 Postal services 82 - 70 12 150 150 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 1,670 1,451 1,067 886 1,400 1,400 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 1,450 3,162 1,038 1,597 1,000 1,000 0.0% 5408 Vehicle repairs supplies 112 438 1,221 576 2,000 2,000 0.0% 5413 Other expenses (Civil Defense Misc.) 274 231 1,286 1,209 2,000 2,000 0.0% 5501 Travel (mileage) - - - - 500 500 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences and education) - - - - - - 0.0% 5801 Dues & Association Memberships - - - - - - 0.0% 5906 Emergency Operations Ctr (Grant) - - - - 10,000 10,000 0.0% 5909 LEMP (Grant) - - - - 7,500 7,500 0.0% 7000 Emergency supplies - 198 728 - 2,700 2,700 0.0% 9999 Grants 199 - 31,125 - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 3,787 5,480 36,535 4,280 27,250 27,250 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures - 200 - 249 - - 0.0% 7006 Grant Funds 61,200 4,983 - 23,896 5,000 5,000 0.0%

Subtotal 61,200 5,183 - 24,145 5,000 5,000 0.0%

Total Emergency Management 126,819 77,055 112,108 103,736 109,995 109,995 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 31 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

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Sobol 7st 5 GSS 720

cant! Osta 7006 Gran Funes 1200 nae coo 000 Som Sita e200 5163 2s 000 S000 oo%

“Total Emergency Management 125809@ 1985 12.08 103.736 109.905 100.995 00%

xpondtre Dota by Activ -Page 31 of 62 5PM

FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Solid Waste, Landfill, & Transfer Station (42400)
Personnel Services

1003 Salaries & wages Part Time 44,296 224,705 294,450 308,674 324,108 324,108 0.0% 2001 FICA 3,405 16,462 21,533 21,966 24,794 24,794 0.0% 2002 VRS - 13,580 18,712 19,957 19,957 19,957 0.0% 2005 Health care - 26,458 35,998 47,139 27,764 27,764 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance - 557 767 850 600 600 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit - 579 896 343 580 580 0.0%

Subtotal 47,701 282,341 372,356 398,929 397,803 397,803 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3003 Recycling center 47,000 29,469 8,213 30,000 30,000 0.0% 3004 Repair & maintenance services 32 211 9,345 2,190 15,000 15,000 0.0% 3005 Maintenance service contracts - - - - - - 0.0% 3008 Uniform rental - 16 - 27 - - 0.0% 3009 Purchase of services 86,500 73,808 153,161 156,345 76,000 76,000 0.0%

Subtotal 133,532 103,504 170,719 158,562 121,000 121,000 0.0%

Other Charges:
5203 Telecommunications 1,238 1,731 944 939 2,500 2,500 0.0% 5401 Office supplies 606 3,404 2,059 876 3,500 3,500 0.0% 5407 Repair & maintenance supplies - 12,679 6,140 9,935 15,000 15,000 0.0% 5408 Vehicle repair & Fuel Supplies 250 6,806 36,281 37,701 35,000 35,000 0.0% 5413 Gravel & Supplies for SW Sites 9,360 3,058 6,015 6,222 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5414 Litter Grant - Supplies - - 9,320 6,763 9,000 9,000 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences and education) - - 1,798 575 500 500 0.0% 5801 Dues & Association Memberships 484 - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 11,938 27,679 62,557 63,011 70,500 70,500 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures - - - - - - 0.0% 8002 Rent/Lease 9,600 9,300 - - 5,000 5,000 0.0%

Subtotal 9,600 9,300 - - 5,000 5,000 0.0%

Total Solid Waste, Landfill, & Transfer Station Services

202,771 422,823 605,632 620,502 594,303 594,303

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 32 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual expenditures Expendtves Expenditures Expenttures Fresno. Fvecna? © ‘FYEanovta. © FYEwate, Soll Was, Lani & Transfer Station 42400)

003 Salers &. wanes Pan Time 206 224708 zan4s0 nner 200 Fica 305 soe2 21533, 21506, fom VRS ° 3500 fare ‘ios? 2008 Group fe neurnce : ‘sr Ter 0 Sobor EAGT Za BEC ae

Contacts Serves

S008 Repair & maintenance sontess 2 an O35 ‘sa00 00%

3008 Unter et : nm L 80% 3008 Prem faeces 6.500 13308 assist 18600 oom Sion iss ——atisor Tr THi00 oom ‘ter Chres: 5209 Toecommneaons ize 1131 ous 2500 00% Sot Oe suntan ‘ee Sot 2088 53 3500 Soo om 07 Repar & martonerc sures : 12679 aiao OP a8 15.000 15000 00% eb ncrileery sing fea pag ee Were 33000 a uk 5413. Gravlt Sno fr S Sos 9380 S08 Com ze 5.00 5000 00% Seid Ler Grant Supls “ 4 3 ‘00 S000 tom 5504 Travel errors aed oan) , 7 500 500 00% Sub cre eB =e on Tata Too Som capt ost es Too” FuntulFates - - =, 00% ce Reuteate 600 600 5000 oom Sioa 50 5.00 come’ ‘Tot Slt Want, Lanai & Trantor samo anim sos. zag 5408 um

xpondtre Dota by Activ -Page 320 62 5PM

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Transfer Station Contract Services (42010)

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services - CPWMA 848,981 808,495 1,071,457 887,725 1,058,761 1,058,761 0.0% 3090 Professional services - Engrs, Permits, Insp. 763,028 430,084 137,302 194,684 125,000 125,000 0.0%

Subtotal 1,612,009 1,238,579 1,208,759 1,082,409 1,183,761 1,183,761 0.0%

Total Transfer Station Contract 1,612,009 1,238,579 1,208,759 1,082,409 1,183,761 1,183,761 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 33 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

soot tekst tr cattle cote els le me Cua Mia Artie | Tetansnedlim — nrelin S sm Se ns eri Rs Contractual Services: > O02, Professional services -CPWMA ease 209,405 sortase 07725 s.0se761 ‘4958761 am D cece et Sg 52 Gg 52 ge vem ipa oS 28 33 3s — 25 35 seat sn coe ‘sna —izaim aq agua une aS xO Ce »

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Animal Control & Sheltering Services (35010)
Personnel Services

1001 Salaries & wages 88,695 91,807 - 32,556 - - 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages - - 31,480 - - - 0.0% 2001 FICA 6,108 6,465 2,408 2,490 - - 0.0% 2002 VRS 13,631 9,938 - - - - 0.0% 2005 Health care 24,903 20,733 - - - 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 441 408 - - - - 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 276 220 - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 134,054 129,571 33,888 35,046 - - 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services - - - - - - 0.0%

Other Charges:

5203 Telecommunications - Radio Maintenance 2,234 2,475 2,381 2,761 1,000 1,000 0.0% 5402 Food supplies 665 2,020 1,810 3,658 1,000 1,000 0.0% 5404 Medical supplies 3,474 15,669 20,126 60,193 20,000 20,000 0.0% 5405 Janitorial supplies 1,368 3,163 1,250 1,935 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5408 Vehicle equipment supplies 2,782 9,903 1,474 1,332 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5410 Uniforms 399 410 - - 1,000 1,000 0.0% 5401 Office Supplies 3,190 7,975 3,601 1,886 2,500 2,500 0.0% 5501 Travel (mileage) - - - - - - 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences and education) - - - - - - 0.0% 5802 Livestock claims - - - - - - 0.0% 5804 Rabies clinics - - - - 500 500 0.0% 7000 Supplies - - 270 - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 14,112 41,615 30,912 71,765 32,500 32,500 0.0%

Capital Outlay:
7002 Furniture/Fixtures - 187 - - 500 500 0.0%

Subtotal - 187 - - 500 500 0.0%

Total Animal Control & Sheltering Services 148,166 171,373 64,800 106,811 33,000 33,000 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 34 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

‘county of Russet Budgeted Expenditures

‘Animal Control & Shattering Services (35010)

Solnos & wanes Fea vrs Groupe surance

Sobol Contacts Serves: “fone Profssens! serves ‘mer Chae 5203, Teecommuntaons - Race Manierarce ‘5402 Food cuppios 5108 Modal spies 1505. Jontrl supoes 5408 Vehicle equpment supplies 810 Untoms. 510Y Olee Sppine 501 Tavel miso) 5508 Trove! coneronces and edeatin) 5008 Rates ces 7000 Supplies Sebi Cait! Osta Soba

“ota Animal Control & Sheierng Services

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

General Properties (43020)

Personnel Services
1001 Salaries & wages 181,260 159,455 175,416 179,101 188,056 188,056 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages - - - - - - 0.0% 2001 FICA 13,256 11,663 11,268 12,931 14,386 14,386 0.0% 2002 VRS 24,400 19,627 19,356 16,601 22,003 22,003 0.0% 2005 Health care 31,253 24,549 30,125 20,018 39,794 39,794 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 789 805 794 781 912 912 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 560 434 539 610 516 516 0.0%

Subtotal 251,518 216,533 237,498 230,042 265,667 265,667 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services - - - 9 - - 0.0% 3004 Repair & maintenance services 63,693 85,332 57,110 55,121 70,000 70,000 0.0% 3008 Laundry/Aratex rental 18,268 19,665 22,502 26,883 16,000 16,000 0.0% 3009 Purchase of services 8,450 9,200 12,132 10,172 50,000 50,000 0.0%

Subtotal 90,411 114,197 91,744 92,185 136,000 136,000 0.0%

Other Charges:
5101 Electricity (all buildings) 235,389 246,015 274,497 228,936 254,000 254,000 0.0% 5102 Heating 8,801 13,595 16,698 17,171 18,000 18,000 0.0% 5103 Water/Sewer 55,185 172,256 73,193 72,042 55,000 55,000 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 291 659 715 730 500 500 0.0% 5208 Insurance recoveries (liability) - 1,835 - - - - 0.0% 5301 Boiler insurance 4,408 581 1,976 - 2,142 2,142 0.0% 5303 Flood insurance 952 2,200 1,281 1,513 2,200 2,200 0.0% 5305 Motor vehicle insurance 41,818 39,966 47,110 55,370 41,000 41,000 0.0% 5308 General liability insurance 50,262 69,636 58,545 75,911 70,000 70,000 0.0% 5405 Janitorial supplies 17,270 18,529 20,381 33,786 20,000 20,000 0.0% 5407 Repair/maintenance supplies 31,785 27,320 40,664 34,095 32,000 32,000 0.0% 5408 Vehicle repair supplies 21,018 65,543 90,997 81,592 25,000 25,000 0.0% 5413 Miscellaneous 1,688 84 61 - - - 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences & education) - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 468,867 658,219 626,118 601,146 519,842 519,842 0.0%

Capital Outlay:

7002 Furniture/Fixtures - - - - - - 0.0% 8002 Rent/lease (land) - 1,292 2,040 1,580 2,500 2,500 0.0%

Subtotal - 1,292 2,040 1,580 2,500 2,500 0.0%

Total General Properties 810,796 990,241 957,400 924,953 924,009 924,009 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 35 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actua tua! Actua Acta ‘tua Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Freanove FYEGnar? = ‘FYEanovta —‘FYEwmarta. © FYE@n0n0

General Properties (43020) Personnes Sevens

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raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Local Health Department (51020)
Other Charges:

5601 Local contribution to Health Department 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 0.0%

Total Local Health Department 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 340,000 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 36 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat ‘Local Health Department (51020) “601 Local ontibston to Heath Deparment 4000 10000 10.000 240.000 40.000 sana00 Total Loca Heath Department 40.000 sn000 000 sao,o00 40.000 see

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l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board (52050)
Other Charges:

5602 County contribution 39,996 39,996 39,996 39,996 40,000 40,000 0.0% 9999 Other - Audit Adjustments - Grant Match - - 2,000 - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 39,996 39,996 41,996 39,996 40,000 40,000 0.0%

Total Cumberland Mountain CSB 39,996 39,996 41,996 39,996 40,000 40,000 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 37 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed

Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

‘Cumberland Mountain Community Services Board (2080)

“3802 Countyconrauon some 29996 29006 39906 nooo

Sibi! aE Ed a6 ae a0 Total Cumberland Mountain 58 sane 906 41996 ase an000 “o

xpondtre Dota by Activ -Page 37 of 62 5PM

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raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Social Services (53010)

5605 Local contribution to Social Services 525,000 526,994 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 0.0% 5609 Local contribution to CSA Administration 64,918 - 64,918 - 64,918 64,918 0.0% 5610 Local contribution to CSA Purchase of Service 228,800 293,718 306,829 328,055 263,137 263,137 0.0% 6001 Pauper Funerals - 1,994 - 800 - - 0.0%

Total Department of Social Services 818,718 822,706 896,747 853,855 853,055 853,055 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 38 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

cus) Aca Att At Actnt Proposed xendtrss Expense Expunives Exponent es Tecwe ‘recon? ‘reanore © ‘PYectos’ © rveaozo © rveesnn Soil Sens (59010 s Sos Lal cotton Sock Servowe sasa00——sangos s2s000 25000 25000 s2p0i 90% QS Sere Loca cannot sornton scare sear care scare om x‘ fro LnatcompaontsG3A Pucace Sarco wm mate heen 207 aor 8 “otal Department of Social Services aieri8 222708 206747 53.855 853.055, a GQoon

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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens (53050)
Other Charges:

5203 Telecommunications 2,209 1,935 2,829 2,436 - - 0.0% 5408 Local Match - AASC/Public Transit. 4,750 4,750 1,920 - 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5413 Other expenses - Four County Transit 46,200 46,200 46,200 46,200 46,200 46,200 0.0% 5604 Appropriation - Local clubs/Memberships 34,075 34,075 34,075 34,075 32,275 32,275 0.0%

Total App. Agency for Senior Citizens 87,234 86,960 85,024 82,711 83,475 83,475 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 39 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 40 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

County School Board Contributions (94020)

Other Charges:
6000-01 Other - Contribution - Operations 7,549,781 7,549,781 7,874,780 8,024,781 8,024,781 8,024,781 0.0% 6000-02 Other - Contribution - Debt Service 1,399,952 1,399,952 1,399,952 1,399,952 1,076,536 1,076,536 0.0% 6001 Contributions to Employee Insurance - - 430,873 - - - 0.0%

8,949,733 8,949,733 9,705,605 9,424,733 9,101,317 9,101,317 0.0%

Total Contributions to School Board 8,949,733 8,949,733 9,705,605 9,424,733 9,101,317 9,101,317 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 41 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

County Schoo! Board Contributions (94020)

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l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

SVCC Contribution (64010)

Other Charges:
5607 Appropriation 97,163 91,949 14,481 77,169 91,949 91,949 0.0%

PACE Educational Program - - - - 75,000 75,000 0.0% Total SVCC 97,163 91,949 14,481 77,169 166,949 166,949 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 42 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Nua < Fortean eo ant het et cu om Proposed ve no . wears “Selassie ms 3 vce comin we scent @ coat oo nates ats once zit ns ——aeat —rrin —E} ——EEE 40 RX 7 o& s

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l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Recreation Parks (71040)

Other Charges:
5101 Electrical 44,911 42,314 43,119 55,446 50,000 50,000 0.0% 5103 Water & Sewer 4,555 5,312 3,497 8,911 2,000 2,000 0.0% 5407 Repair/maintenance supplies 4,246 - 3,473 2,186 7,500 7,500 0.0% 5600 Finney Community Center 1,500 851 3,647 2,108 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5601 Lebanon Park 4,000 4,000 7,611 392 4,000 4,000 0.0% 5602 Honaker Park 4,000 272 2,505 1,140 4,000 4,000 0.0% 5603 Castlewood Park 4,000 7,458 2,200 4,000 4,000 4,000 0.0% 5604 Dante Park 4,000 5,517 4,000 148 4,000 4,000 0.0% 5605 Cleveland Park 4,000 9,684 5,508 4,176 4,000 4,000 0.0% 5606 Drill Community Center 1,500 76 5,800 475 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5607 Oak Grove Community Center 1,500 141 6,994 5,453 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5608 Castlewood Community Center 1,500 - 145 2,112 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5609 Dante Community Center 1,500 1,689 - 1,500 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5611 Elk Garden Community Center - - - 1,296 1,500 1,500 0.0%

Subtotal 81,212 77,314 88,499 89,343 88,500 88,500 0.0%

Total Recreation Park Centers 81,212 77,314 88,499 89,343 88,500 88,500 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 43 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Conference Center (72010)

1001 Salaries & wages 25,000 24,945 31,487 27,195 33,723 33,723 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages - - - - - - 0.0% 2001 FICA 1,823 1,894 2,314 2,003 2,580 2,580 0.0% 2002 VRS 3,710 2,918 3,601 3,182 3,946 3,946 0.0% 2005 Health care 3,820 318 637 - 3,820 3,820 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 120 120 148 141 - - 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 225 189 80 57 - - 0.0%

Subtotal 34,698 30,384 38,267 32,578 44,068 44,068 0.0%

3001 Contractual Services 1,568 259 680 - 2,500 2,500 0.0% 3004 Repair & maintenance services - - 230 - 500 500 0.0% 3008 Laundry/Aratex rental 1,610 2,843 3,225 3,640 3,000 3,000 0.0% 3009 Purchase of services 1,200 525 9,102 755 2,500 2,500 0.0% 3007 Advertising 63 - - - 1,000 1,000 0.0%

Subtotal 4,441 3,627 13,237 4,395 9,500 9,500 0.0%

Other Charges:
5101 Electricity - - - - - - 0.0% 5102 Heating - - - - - - 0.0% 5103 Water/Sewer - - - - - - 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 1,261 1,107 687 1,034 1,000 1,000 0.0% 5405 Janitorial supplies 287 56 220 148 810 810 0.0% 5407 Repair/maintenance supplies 1,310 777 1,311 3,078 2,500 2,500 0.0% 5413 Miscellaneous 114 - 380 198 250 250 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences & education) - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 2,972 1,940 2,598 4,458 4,560 4,560 0.0%

7002 Furniture/Fixtures 4,152 12,384 1,414 1,958 2,000 2,000 0.0%

Total Conference Center 46,263 48,335 55,516 43,389 60,128 60,128 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 44 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Health & Fitness Center (72030)

1001 Salaries & wages - 39,298 39,576 40,368 42,386 42,386 0.0% 1003 Part-time wages - - - - - - 0.0% 2001 FICA - 3,008 3,029 3,055 3,243 3,243 0.0% 2002 VRS - 4,920 5,272 4,723 4,959 4,959 0.0% 2005 Health care - - - - - - 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance - 202 206 210 207 207 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit - 341 111 375 112 112 0.0%

Subtotal - 47,769 48,194 48,731 50,907 50,907 0.0%

3001 Contractual Services - 333 130 - 3,000 3,000 0.0% 3004 Repair & maintenance services - - - 180 1,000 1,000 0.0% 3009 Purchase of services - 18,149 12,698 18,215 13,000 13,000 0.0% 3007 Advertising - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal - 18,482 12,828 18,395 17,000 17,000 0.0%

Other Charges:
5101 Electricity - - - - - - 0.0% 5102 Heating - - - - - - 0.0% 5103 Water/Sewer - - - - - - 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications - 601 426 872 750 750 0.0% 5405 Janitorial supplies - - - - 810 810 0.0% 5407 Repair/maintenance supplies - 228 613 1,009 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5413 Miscellaneous - - - 15 250 250 0.0% 5504 Travel (conferences & education) - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal - 829 1,039 1,896 3,310 3,310 0.0%

7002 Furniture/Fixtures - 7,974 17,326 505 2,000 2,000 0.0%

Total Health & Fitness Center - 75,054 79,387 69,527 73,217 73,217 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 45 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual expenditures Expendtves Expenditures Expenttures Fresno. Fvecna? © ‘FYEanovta. © FYEwate, 29208 ansr6 0388 zon FCA : 08 029 088 2008 Hest care : 2007 Heatnineurancs ced 2 a is is 2004 Ropar &mantonance sovleos : 80 2007 averting 2 “Sot Bwctnety . 5102 Heasna RS 103 WatriSaver : RY ‘505 Janta supoes e

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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Cultural - Old Courthouse (72020)

Personnel Services
1001 Salaries & wages 7,094 7,868 9,121 8,820 7,761 7,761 0.0% 2001 FICA 547 602 612 675 594 594 0.0%

Subtotal 7,641 8,470 9,733 9,495 8,355 8,355 0.0%

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services (caretaker) 900 900 450 - 900 900 0.0%

Other Charges:

5203 Telecommunications 764 936 722 722 570 570 0.0% 5407 Repair & maintenance supplies 4,975 1,203 2,234 1,587 4,000 4,000 0.0%

Subtotal 5,739 2,139 2,956 2,309 4,570 4,570 0.0%

Total Cultural - Old Courthouse 14,280 11,509 13,139 11,804 13,825 13,825 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 46 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Library (73010)
Personnel Services

1001 Salaries & Wages 124,898 114,119 130,088 137,059 143,912 143,912 0.0% 1003 Salaries & wages - part-time 65,211 57,994 57,980 61,857 64,750 64,750 0.0% 2001 FICA 14,059 12,594 13,675 14,614 15,963 15,963 0.0% 2002 VRS 18,535 13,899 16,473 13,554 13,600 13,600 0.0% 2005 Health care 19,411 19,775 10,506 13,800 13,800 13,800 0.0% 2006 Group life insurance 600 570 672 713 715 715 0.0% 2007 Health insurance credit 375 307 362 288 290 290 0.0% 2008 Dental Insurance - - - 1,191 1,195 1,195 0.0% 2010 Vision Insurance - - - 98 99 99 0.0% 2210 VRS Hybrid Plan - - - 2,482 2,485 2,485 0.0% 2500 Local Disability Plan - - - 153 153 153 0.0%

Subtotal 243,089 219,258 229,756 245,809 256,961 256,961 0.0%

Contractual Services
3002 Professional Services 13,383 16,408 19,362 17,977 17,425 17,425 0.0%

Other Charges

5201 Postal services 198 206 260 208 300 300 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications 5,932 5,410 6,026 6,500 6,000 6,000 0.0% 5401 Office Supplies 5,348 6,070 6,207 6,355 7,500 7,500 0.0% 5407 Supplies 25 1,003 28 139 300 300 0.0% 5411 Books and subscriptions 30,906 46,404 42,840 36,227 33,000 33,000 0.0% 5413 Miscellaneous 3,888 3,014 1,052 5,200 1,500 1,500 0.0% 5414 Other grants 13,685 13,621 12,972 5,565 6,000 6,000 0.0% 5500 Professional Development 620 376 539 1,022 - - 0.0% 5501 Travel (mileage) - - - - - - 0.0% 5504 Travel (Conferences & education) - - - - - - 0.0% 5413 Library Donations - Miscellaneous - - - (850) 200 200 0.0% 7004 Library Donations - Town of Lebanon & Honaker - - - - 9,000 9,000 0.0%

Subtotal 73,985 92,512 89,286 78,343 81,225 81,225 0.0%

Total Library 317,074 311,770 319,042 324,152 338,186 338,186 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 47 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

veh a <0 GY Gar Ger te. i = Sr. i i er = Soe ; eB Og = Sok : 28 RN? 28 = i is —aais —ars —ag ace 2 cong ane RS a re a er a ee “st * = Sic 2 ca a ai 4 “a S414 Othorarants 13.685 r3.62 6.000 a = oa ;

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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Planning Commission (81010)

Contractual Services:
3002 Board Member Stipends 12,550 12,975 13,650 16,275 18,000 18,000 0.0%

Subtotal 12,550 12,975 13,650 16,275 18,000 18,000 0.0%

Other Charges:
5401 Office supplies - - - - - - 0.0% 5413 Other expenses - - - - - - 0.0% 5503 Travel (subsistence & lodging) - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal - - - - - - 0.0%

Total Planning Commission 12,550 12,975 13,650 16,275 18,000 18,000 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 48 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

Planing Commission (1010) "Contec! Serves

3002" Soars Member Spends 12550 2915 13650 16275 +000 Sotto! 1250 2075 1350 16278 000 ner Chae

5413 Oter expences 5503 Travel eubostence& dina) Soto

‘Total Planning Commission 412.550 42978 $3,680 16.275 18,000 5S.

xpondture Deal by Activ -Page 480 62 5PM

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raft - Previo

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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

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eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Industrial Development Authority (81050)

Other Charges:
5610 Chamber of Commerce 52 - - 7,300 7,500 7,500 0.0% 9999 Other - Audit Adjustments - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 52 - - 7,300 7,500 7,500 0.0%

Total Industrial Development Authority 52 - - 7,300 7,500 7,500 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 49 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Indust Development Authority (81050) ‘Oe Charo 5610. Chanter of Commarce 9009 Otar- Aust Adjustments Sibi!

“ota indus Development Author


Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

2 7300 7800

2 7a 700

2 7300

xpondtre Deal by Atv -Page 490 62


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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

PSA Contributions (RC PSA & CWSA)
Contributions to operations -

RC - PSA - - - - - - 0.0% Dante Sewer 245,828 128,473 173,308 161,874 130,000 130,000 0.0%

Total PSA Contributions 245,828 128,473 173,308 161,874 130,000 130,000 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 50 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Nua < Fortean eo ant het et cu om Proposed ve no . San RES Sent SaeST EEN | ome

SA Contributions (RC PSA & CWSA)

Diane Sewer Eo aaaTs 173308 161874 +130,000 430,000

“Tota PSA Contin ness ___tmsars 173308 sis 130.000 +06 Qo0%

ae ston aye Ptot aR

FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Cumberland Plateau PDC (81060)

Other Charges
6002 Appropriation CP-PDC 33,750 35,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 0.0%

Total Cumberland Plateau PDC 33,750 35,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 51 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES Nua < Fortean eo ant het et cu om Proposed ve no . wears “Selassie ms 3 contend a 8 ye oS en ce.P0S pro sum as soo asm se omg @ ent cunain ote 90 ‘srs son seo anno anno ne as 7 o& s

at ct ey Pett 28 <

FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Cumberland Plateau Reg Housing Auth (81090)

Other Charges
5608 Appropriation - - - 550 1,800 1,800 0.0%

Total Cumberland Plateau RHA - - - 550 1,800 1,800 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 52 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Aca peta Actin Actua ‘cn Proposed apentures expenditures Expenditures Expedies Set. oaget frecoone ‘rrecoonr —‘rveanone —‘rvesnane —FYEaiomp rye eno Cumbaand Patou Reg Housing At (81090) "00 sopenaton - ss 100 1100 004. Total Cumberland Patou RHA . sa 1.00 sa00 gO

xpondture Deal by Ativly - Page S20 62 5PM

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raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Highway Safety Commission (81080)
Other Charges

3002 Committee Stipends 2,650 4,250 3,500 3,500 4,200 4,200 0.0%

Total Highway Safety Commission 2,650 4,250 3,500 3,500 4,200 4,200 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 53 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


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rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Contributions (91000)
5000 Expenditure Refunds 963 1,416 597 965 - - 0.0% 5084 RC Search & Rescue - - - 5,000 2,000 2,000 0.0% 5085 SWCC Festival - 500 500 500 500 500 0.0% 5086 Dolly Parton Imagination Library - - - - 500 500 0.0% 5087 Russell County Bread Box - - - - - - 0.0% 5088 Second Harvest aka Feeding America SW VA 2,500 2,500 2,500 5,000 2,500 2,500 0.0% 5091 Russell County Fair Association 7,500 7,500 7,500 20,375 7,500 7,500 0.0% 5094 Russell County Disability Services 503 - - - - - 0.0% 5095 Clinch Independent Living Services - - - - - - 0.0% 5096 Tri-County Health Clinic - - - - 500 500 0.0% 5098 American Legion 1,000 1,000 - 500 500 500 0.0% 5099 CP Housing District - - - - 1,800 1,800 0.0% 5102 Health Wagon - - - - 2,500 2,500 0.0% 5108 Russell County Diabetes (500) 250 - - 250 250 0.0% 8026 VFW - Contributions for Veterans’ Funerals 1,400 1,100 1,000 700 2,500 2,500 0.0% 8027 Clinch River Valley Initiative - 1,000 - - 1,000 1,000 0.0% 9999 SWVA EMS Council - - - - 1,000 1,000 0.0% 8028 Clinch River Days Festival - - - 1,000 500 500 0.0% 9999 Heart of Appalachia Tourism - 2,500 2,500 (2,500) 2,500 2,500 0.0%

Subtotal 13,362 17,766 14,597 31,540 26,050 26,050 0.0% Total Contributions 13,362 17,766 14,597 31,540 26,050 26,050 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 54 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Contributions (91000)



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Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

7500 7500

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Tourism (81040)

Contractual Services:
3002 Professional services -
3005 Maintenance service contracts 1,445
3006 Printing & binding - 4,923 365 1,555 3,000 3,000 0.0% 3007 Advertising 686 246 1,347 2,883 3,000 3,000 0.0%

Subtotal 686 6,614 1,712 4,438 6,000 6,000 0.0%

Total Tourism 686 6,614 1,712 4,438 6,000 6,000 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 55 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Ant tat tel etn setter ies eles eis eS Meche Ream? RENT SEM en resem Ss a 3 505 Meare 1s xo 3008 Priina & inna 4303 365 1555, 3.000 3.000 & Ss a a ek So 2 i i = XZ ret oan wt at ne gan tan San a s

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Other Charges:
5607 Appropriation 33,236 33,236 33,236 33,236 7,500 7,500 0.0% 5801 Dues & Association Memberships - Black Diamond - 1,000 1,000 - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 33,236 34,236 34,236 33,236 7,500 7,500 0.0%

Total Clinch Valley Soil/Water Conservation District 33,236 34,236 34,236 33,236 7,500 7,500 0.0%

Clinch Valley Soil/Water Conservation (82030)

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 56 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Ctnch vate SotWate Conservation (2030) “807 Poppin Sob!

Total Cinch Valley SoltWatr Conservation District


Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat sa26 2% nz 26 700 Ezy B26 Bz Eze 70 7a ane saz06 34236 ane 7.800 g

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l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

VPI Extension Service (83050)

Personnel Services
1003 Wages - Part-time (Grant) 36,907 45,117 48,355 43,374 48,450 48,450 0.0% 2003 Fringe Benefits Paid - VPI 12,086 18,320 15,064 15,730 17,926 17,926 0.0%

Subtotal 48,993 63,437 63,419 59,104 66,376 66,376 0.0%

Other Charges:
5203 Telecommunications - Local/Long Distance/Internet 2,850 2,889 2,871 3,039 3,000 3,000 0.0% 5401 Office Supplies - - - - - - 0.0% 5504 Travel (Conferences & Education) - - - - - - 0.0%

Subtotal 2,850 2,889 2,871 3,039 3,000 3,000 0.0%

Total VPI Extension Service Office 51,843 66,326 66,290 62,143 69,376 69,376 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 57 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

Actus tua! Actua Actual ‘tua Proposed Expentures Expenitues Expenditures Expenditures, Budget Budget Fresnone FvEcnar? © ‘FYeamorta © FrEwmare. © FYE@ne20 © FYE oat

\vPl Extension Service (83050) Personne! Sereas

003 -"Wamee Partie (Gran) sear 45117 cases aaa 2003. Fringe Benes Pai VPI 12088 “3.300 ‘06 8700 “5203, Teeconmuniatns- LocalLong Distancehiomet 280 2080 2en er) 15804 Travel (Coferences& Education)

“otal VP Extension Service Office sue 6,326 es20 eats

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raft - Previo

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Nondepartmental (99000)

98500-1055 Treasurer Misc. Expenditures 1,117 177 - - - - 0.0%

1011 Termination pay - - - - - - 0.0% 1013 Workers’ compensation 65,204 86,368 117,775 72,164 86,000 86,000 0.0% 2010 Line of Duty Act Premium 47,993 54,041 53,616 149,886 54,000 54,000 0.0% 5000 Expenditure refunds 196,802 235,785 50,192 70,551 - - 0.0% 5203 Telecommunications Mobile 17,467 20,367 277 587 25,000 25,000 0.0% 5414 Retirement supplement 2,000 - 20,831 (1,000) 47,000 47,000 0.0% 5700 CWSA Recovery - - 119,729 - - - 0.0% 9912 DSS Retirement 280,468 - - - - - 0.0% 9913 Misc. Refund of Taxes and Interest 228,977 - - - - - 0.0% 9999 Appropriated Reserve 2,000 - - - - - 0.0%

Total Nondepartmental 840,911 396,561 362,420 292,188 212,000 212,000 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 58 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

Nondeparimentl 95000) Nencepartneral

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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Capital Outlay and Fund Transfers

5413 Capital Equipment - - 154,220 - - - 0.0% 7056 Maintenance Building 19,443 30,681 46,174 266,948 58,221 58,221 0.0% 7057 Wallace Building 811 - - - - - 0.0% 8004 Vehicle Replacement - - - - - - 0.0% 8023 Landfill - Land Purchase (contaminated well) - - - - - - 0.0% 8027 Other Capital Projects 115,137 994,763 518,446 187,118 - - 0.0% 8029 Courthouse Project 44,730 213 - 5,305 32,079 32,079 0.0% 8030 CIP - School Facility Projects - - - 94,037 323,416 323,416 0.0% 8065 Convenience Centers 30,101 12,624 29,667 - - - 0.0%

Total Capital Outlay 210,222 1,038,281 748,507 553,408 413,716 413,716 0.0%

Transfers to Other Funds (98600)
1023 Transfer to Dante Sewer - - - - - - 0.0% 1100 Sales Tax Transfer to Town of Lebanon 142,057 122,502 111,930 116,127 122,000 122,000 0.0% 1101 Sales Tax Transfer to Town of Honaker 63,518 54,817 54,770 52,472 55,000 55,000 0.0% 1102 Sales Tax Transfer to Town of Cleveland 9,528 8,309 7,700 7,547 8,400 8,400 0.0% 1103 Sales Tax Transfer to Town of St. Paul 8,543 7,397 7,421 6,700 7,500 7,500 0.0%

223,646 193,025 181,821 182,846 192,900 192,900 0.0%

Total Capital Outlay & Fund Transfers 433,868 1,231,306 930,328 736,254 606,616 606,616 0.0%

Capital Outlay (94010)

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 59 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

‘Capita Ouiy (94010) 7086 Mantanance Bulcng 2004 Vehicle Resacemen 18023 Land Land Purchase contaminate wet) 12d Couto Poet 099. GiB Saoal ait Prolects 2088 Convenience Centre ‘otal Capita Outey

‘Transfers to Other Funds (98600) “023” Tranetorto Date Sawer HOY Sales Tax Transeo Toon of Honor ‘03. Sales Tax Taner Town oft Pl

“otal Capital Out & Fund Teantors


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ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Debt Service (95010)

County - Dante Sewer Pumps
9120 Principal & Interest 938 2,813 1,875 - 2,900 2,900 0.0%

9125 Principal & Interest 500,081 502,762 483,749 473,523 503,000 503,000 0.0%

9130 Principal & Interest 494,462 503,899 511,779 503,268 504,000 504,000 0.0%

Total Debt Service 995,481 1,009,474 997,403 976,791 1,009,900 1,009,900 0.0%

Total General Fund 26,753,538 27,061,971 27,395,133 26,421,789 26,242,583 26,242,583 0.0%

Surplus (Deficit) in General Fund 329,040 1,999,347 266,196 696,512 0 0 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 60 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

ee a wears “Selassie ms aun ets oa aa te se 230 omy scott : "9125 Principal & interest 500,081 502,762 433,749 473,523 503,000 503,000 & “8130 Princo & nerest 4460 509,800 suz79 503.268 ‘504,000 04 GQ0.0% onto sre oe a re are Total Goneral Fund fms mara atin metres sass, Oaeass urn ‘Surolus (Deficit) in General Fund 32.00 __1.9n9.347 ___286.199 __96.512 ~ 0.0% RS se & S Se <e Xo) x ee oy

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l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Special Revenue Funds:

Virginia Public Assistance Fund (FUND 201) 4,877,551 5,497,258 5,912,908 5,672,051 5,210,980 5,210,980 0.0%

SWVA ASAP Fund (FUND 202) 220,905 174,877 280,954 197,052 197,052 197,052 0.0% Coal Road Fund (FUND 203)

Maintenance of Highways, Streets, Bridges and Sidewalks 500,000 250,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 0.0% Contribution to VCEDA 145,267 160,128 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 0.0%

Total Coal Road Fund 645,267 410,128 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 0.0%

Comprehensive Services Act Fund (FUND 204) 1,716,486 2,068,058 1,088,731 1,386,403 1,720,700 1,720,700 0.0%

WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD FUND (FUND 96000) 2,114,691 2,746,846 2,746,846 2,835,083 - - 0.0%

Total Special Revenue Funds 9,574,900 10,897,167 10,179,439 10,240,589 7,278,732 7,278,732 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 61 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM

Budgeted Expenditures

‘Special Revenue Funds:

Virgina Pubic Atsstance Fund (FUND 201)


coal Road Fund (FUND 203) Mantonance of Highways, Stet, Brigos and Sowa ‘Total Coal Road Fund

‘Comprehensive Services Act Fund (FUND 204) \WORKEORCE INVESTMENT BOARD FUND (EUND 96000)

Total Special Revenue Funds


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FY 20/21 County B udget D

raft - Previo

us S tate Budget P

rojectio ns w

ere withdrawn until S tate Specia

l B udget M

eeting on 4/22/20. FY 2020/2021 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES

County of Russell Budgeted Expenditures FY 2021

FYE 6/30/18

FYE 6/30/19


FYE 6/30/20


FYE 6/30/21

Actual Expenditures
FYE 6/30/17

FYE 6/30/16

Enterprise Funds:

Russell County Canneries (83990)
Total Expenditures 56,052 55,651 30,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 0.0%

Dante Sewer Fund:

Personnel Services:
1001 Salaries and Wages - - - - - - 0.0%

Contractual Services:

3002 Dante Sewer Loan 49,572 49,572 49,572 49,572 49,572 49,572 0.0%

Other Charges: 5101 Utilities - - - - - - 0.0% 5405 Materials and supplies - - - - - - 0.0% 5401 Office expenses - - - - - - 0.0% 5407 Repairs & maintenance - - - - - - 0.0%

Total Expenditures 49,572 49,572 49,572 49,572 49,572 49,572 0.0%

Total Primary Government 36,434,062 38,064,361 37,654,144 36,741,950 33,570,887 33,570,887 0.0%

Expenditure Detail by Activity - Page 62 of 62 4/20/2020 8:55 PM


Budgeted Expenditures

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Contracts Services: XZ

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xpondtre Deal by Activ -Page 620 62 5PM

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